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Main Campgrounds

The Main Campgrounds is an area in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. It is where the Main Lodge and Parking Lot are located, and serves as the center area of the camp since it’s leads to different paths of different areas of the entire place. This is also the point with the largest amount of arrowheads to collect by hand or with the dowsing rod.


From Old Psychopedia[]

"Ah, the main lodge. What camp would be complete without one? This large building contains everything a fellow needs to survive: air, water, food (supposedly), a band, a voodoo doll, firestarting cougars, suicidal cheerleaders, and, of course, beautiful, beautiful television. Here lies the home of both Chef Cruller, who is locked in an eternal battle against a grill of hamburgers, and the soon-to-be-legendary Firevistartators. It is also here where you can buy items that will do stuff for you, bring stuff to you, replenish stuff you lost, or exfoliate your dry skin. Finally, this lodge is later transferred into a temporary holding dock for those kids who have been temporarily relieved of their brains to relax… and Vernon, too, because he doesn’t seem to care either way.

There is also lots of space outside for a young camper to explore, laced with bridges to cross and poles to climb and dubloons to dig up, but the odds are you’ll be too busy haranguing Ford for free vittles (in vain, I might add) to notice. So relax, and let the soothing sounds of feuding, prepubescent band members, an old man trying to cook, brainless kids muttering, Vernon droning, and something playing on TV take you away from your problems. There’s always a seat waiting in the lounge upstairs, and the burgers will be ready someday. You could go outside and try to save the world, I guess, but there’s a brain stealing fish out there and that’s scary."

Points of Interest[]

  • The Lodge: Main point of interest in the valley. At the outside, pairs of picnic tables are seen, included some speakers nearby where Oleander, Ford or Milla will talk through them (according to the point of the game where the player is at). Inside however; other than the 6 sets of tables, the store of Chef Cruller is viewed, a TV room at the right side of the place with some pouf ottomans and the small stage.
  • Parking Lot: The very initial point of the site: this is where the bus leaves the campers and where vehicles like the coach's jeep or the weird looking red car can be viewed. Aside from basic stuff like a bulletin board and an outhouse, the center of the area has a giant log which includes the full story of how the place was built and what it used to be in the past.
    • Underground Rapid Transit System: Beneath majority of the camp and specially the valley, there are subterranean railways that redundantly works on a rail-based transportation system that any of the campers and specially Ford Cruller himself can use to move from place to place quicker.

Scavenger Hunt Collectibles[]

  • Gold Doubloon: At the right side of the main lodge, the doubloon is hidden at a hole that is exactly below the building.
  • Eagle Claw: Close to the tree stump where the rapid transit system is, climb the big pole and after getting on the circular platform use Levitation to gain the enough speed and height to reach a tree with a wooden platform (for better recognition is the platform with a big tightrope connected to the sign at the parking lot).

PSI Cards[]

All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open)
1.– Turn right and you should see the card through a hole in the fence.

2.– Then go straight ahead and under the ramp leading to the main lodge is the next card in the area.

3.– Continue up the path around the main lodge until you see a couple picnic tables. Near the tables is a pole you can climb up. The card is up at the top.

4.– From the previous card, walk across the tightrope. Half way across you will see the card on the rope.

5.– Continue across the tightrope from the previous, and you will see the card directly in front of you.

6.– Jump to the roof of the lodge from where you are. The card is on the opposite corner of the roof.

7.– Follow the tightrope from the previous card to yet another tower containing a psi card on the top.

8.– Jump down from the tower and follow the path. On the right side on top of a rock is the next psi card.

9.– Continue down the path until you see a parking lot. Turn right just before the lot and you should see an outhouse, which houses the card.

10.– In the parking lot is a basketball hoop. The card is on top of the hoop, but too high to just jump to. Near the back of the hoop is a big rock. Jump on top of the rock, and double jump to the hoop to grab the card.

11.– On the opposite side of the parking lot is a jeep. Jump on the stump behind it and then on top of the jeep to reach this card.

12.– Levitation is required to reach this next psi card. In the middle of the parking lot is a large stump. Levitate to the top of it to reach the psi card.

13.– Right before the parking lot ends, near the path leading back to the lodge you will see a card on a branch near a trash can.

14.– Start heading back up to the main lodge and turn right to see a formation of rocks. You need to scale these rocks to reach this card on the top.

15.– Continue scaling the rocks until you reach a platform. Use the trapeze to reach the tower where another card is waiting for you.

16.– From this tower, there is a tightrope leading to a large wooden sign. The card is on top of this.

17.– Travel back to the area with the picnic tables near the lodge. Off to the right is a large rock with a tree next to it. The card is next to the tree.

18.– Climb back up the tower near the tables and halfway across the tightrope. Turn towards the lodge and you should notice the card in between the two roofs. Just jump across to reach it.

Information obtained from this GameFAQs page.

PSI Challenge Marker[]

  • Go around the main lodge until you see a couple picnic tables. Near them is a pole you can climb. At the top is a tightrope leading to another tower. From this second tower, jump onto the roof of the lodge, where you will find the challenge marker in the middle.[1]


Psychics Often Found[]

After Basic Braining and Before the Brain Tumbler Experiment[]

After Sasha's Shooting Gallery and Before Milla's Dance Party[]

After Milla's Dance Party[]

  • Clem Foote
  • Crystal Flowers Snagrash

After Recranializing Campers[]


  1. Information comes from the guide of GameFAQs.