–Psychonauts 2 description
Mental Health, or Mental Energy, is Razputin Aquato's health bar. If it reaches zero he loses a Projection Layer and respawns at the last checkpoint he activated if he has any layers left. If he has no more layers he gets kicked out into the real world, or if he was already in the real world he is transported to a different location, even though he was not in a mental world losing all of his projection layers will still cause him to be teleported to a different location.
In Psychonauts, Razputin's mental health is represented by red brain icons that become unfilled as he loses mental health, where as in Psychonauts 2 it is represented by pink brain icons cut into quarters that turn yellow and disappear when damaged.
Razputin starts out with 12 hit points' worth mental health in Psychonauts, marked by three brain icons displayed above the projection layer display. The maximum amount of health Razputin can have can be increased by completing mental worlds, marked as adding an extra brain icon (4 hit points) on the health display. Smashing Jarred Brains and collecting them will also increase his maximum health, though not as much as completing mental worlds, as it only increases it by one unit, marked as a quarter of a brain icon. The maximum amount of health Razputin can possibly have is 72 hit points, or eighteen brain icons on the display.
Razputin can restore his mental health by collecting Positive Mental Health powerups scattered by destroying objects, restoring two units of Razputin's health (marked by a half of a brain icon being restored) if he is not at full health. He can also restore health by using items such as a Dream Fluff purchased from Ford Cruller which restores all of his health, or Bird Roast Dinner or Squirrel Roast Dinner created by scorching a bird or squirrel with Pyrokinesis respectively. One Dream Fluff automatically activates if Razputin runs out of Mental Health if he has any Dream Fluffs, saving him from losing a Projection Layer. Raz can hold up to 3 Dream Fluffs at a time.
Black Velvetopia[]
In Black Velvetopia when raz enters into any of the Luchadores arena his health bar changes to the one used for the boss fights of the game, featuring a cartoony looking icon of Raz itself. In these fights Razputin at maximum can resist a total of 31 hits but in minimum it is only 10 hits, the 31 one hits applies for the basic swipe attacks used by each Luchador but the 10 hits on the other hand applies for lunge attack and the special attacks.
Psychonauts 2[]
Mental health returns in Psychonauts 2. Razputin starts out with 3 brains' worth (12 hit points) of Mental Health. The brain color is now a purplish-pink, and the brains are cut into quarters vertically. Mental health can be restored by using PSI Pops, or collecting Positive Mental Health and Half-a-Minds. The only method of extending the mental health meter is by collecting two Half-a-Minds, which add a full brain (4 hit points) to Raz's mental health capacity. Raz can have at most 14 brains (56 hit points) of mental health.
Falling into abysses no longer instantly depletes Raz's mental health, instead removing anywhere from a segment to a full brain's worth of mental health and returning Raz to his last stable ground before the incident that triggered this failsafe.
When Raz's mental health is fully depleted, he is returned to his most recent checkpoint. Due to astral layers no longer being a game mechanic, Raz can never be kicked out of a mental world for losing all his mental health. Dream Fluffs work as they did in the original game, refilling Raz's mental health if he depletes it as long as he's holding one.
Positive Mental Health[]
–Blurb from the Psycho Manual
–Psychonauts 2 description
Positive Mental Health is a collectible psychic energy item that will restore two units of Razputin's Mental Health (marked by half of a brain icon being restored) if any has been depleted when picked up. This energy (depending the game in question) is represented by a blue or green smiley face with a blue/green plus sign, meant to signify a medical cross. It can be found in breakable objects or dropped by defeated enemies, in Psychonauts 2 there are objects that specify more that they have a healing collectible thanks to their more greenish brightness.
Of course, there are other methods of regenerating health in case of being on a more dangerous situation, with examples; Dream Fluffs and PSI Pops.