Psychonauts Wiki

Morris Martinez

You know "up" is more MY thing, right?

–Morris Martinez

Morris Martinez is a Junior Psychonaut and former Psychonaut intern stationed at the Motherlobe. He manages the music radio station, K.L.O.B.


Morris has purple hair styled in a pompadour, brown eyes, and green tinted skin. He has a small scar on his nose. He gets around using a wheelchair powered by levitation. He wears black pants and black shoes. His jacket is a plaid yellow with red cuffs. His shirt is a plaid blue and red pattern. He has a Peruvian accent.


Morris Martinez is a levitation expert and an amateur radio aficionado trying to start a pirate radio station at the Motherlobe. He's generally relaxed and not as mean as the other interns.


Hollis Forsythe[]

Hollis Forsythe is Morris' teacher at the Motherlobe.

Milla Vodello[]

Milla Vodello is Morris' Mentor at the Motherlobe. They both specialize in levitation.

Razputin Aquato[]

Razputin is Morris' fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. He was initially not happy to see the new intern and bullied him alongside other interns, but after the Lady Luctopus Casino Mission, Morris warmed up to Raz.

Lizzie Natividad[]

Lizzie is Morris' fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. They could be seen arguing in the Motherlobe.

Sam Boole[]

Sam is Morris' fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Adam Joseph Gette[]

Adam is Morris' fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Norma Natividad[]

Norma is Morris' fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Gisu Nerumen[]

Gisu is Morris' friend and fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. Gisu repairs Oleander's old radio so Morris can use it for his pirate radio. She hangs out with him in the treehouse.



Psychic Powers[]


  • Morris rides in a makeshift wheelchair created by levitating a common lawn chair with his psychic powers.
  • Using Clairvoyance on Morris before completing Lady Luctopus Casino mission, he sees Raz as an embarrassed kid in his underwear. After the casino mission, he sees Raz as a radio host.