Psychonauts Wiki

Hey, is it okay if I go to up into the main headquarters now?


The Motherlobe Reception is the room right past the entrance to the Motherlobe, where visitors need to check in before being allowed entry. Its single reception desk is managed by the receptionist.


Motherlobe reception is a spacious room mostly made of gray concrete, that features some planters by its walls, as well as six tall teal-colored banners with the Psychonauts' logo. Facing the Motherlobe's main entrance, up a couple steps, a central pillar sits in the room that has the reception desk built into it, behind a pane of glass that's also shaped like the Psychonauts' logo. Aside from the reception desk, there are a few more places to sit in the room with low tables, as well as a water cooler. At the back of the room, a ThinkerPrint-protected elevator leads up to the Lobby, but it seems as though Levitation is required to use it. As such, it's unclear how non-psychics, including some of the staff at the Motherlobe, make their way up into the Lobby.

Role in Psychonauts 2[]

This area's role in Psychonauts 2 is minimal. Razputin meets Hollis Forsythe here for the first time, who lets him know Ford Cruller did not have the clearance to name him a proper Psychonaut at the finale of the first game, and instead accepts him into the Intern Program. Later, Razputin's father Augustus checks in at the reception desk, to let Raz know the entire Aquato family has come over to the Questionable Area nearby to support him.

Sherri and Chet can sometimes be found gossiping here. In addition, Razputin can talk to the receptionist at any points (except upon reaching Green Needle Gulch until the post-game); some of her dialogues might vary according to specific points of the game like when Raz’s family arrives.

