This page contains the voice lines of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Voice Lines
Come talk to me if you need to know the rules.
Nobody's winning! Want to know who's losing? The Bonaparte family name!
You are losing anyway.
For France!
Not if they were inspired by their leader, or payed well, or well armed, or even fed.
I want to play again.
We are on our way back to town!
Ah, my trusted spy. Tell me what you know.
Into Napoleon's trap you have fallen.
Another easy victory for Napoleon Bonaparte!
Not it is not. It is terrible. It's like eating British food everyday, pah.
Let's take it to the château, boys!
Haha, soon we shall feast upon the sweet buttery snails of victory!
Shut up, you fool. The battle is ours! Wellington is on the run, this is our moment of glory.
Put me down this instant, or I will have you drawn and quartered!
Back on your horse, soldier, tout de suite!
This golden day is ours.
Passed down through generations from my father's father.
The sun is bright, the enemy is weak, and there is cheese back in the den.
Weakling, shut up! You call yourself by the name Bonaparte?
Ha! Another game at which I would surely defeat you.
Ha, reinforcements!
What are you doing? The uniform of this army is sacred! We shall wear it proudly until the battle is over.
My name is Napoleon Bonaparte!
You are a stinking disgrace to your family, stinker!
Do not listen to the weakling, he denies his lineage because he fears it.
But he has no militia! These people are hiding out in their houses, hopeless, hungry, and unarmed!
Which I'll have to break, haha!
Ha! Now then.
Ha! I will believe that when I see it.
Ooooh.... ohhhh.
I don't even want to be here. But when this sad excuse for a Bonaparte lost a simple game of war to a feeble-minded invalid, I just could not take it anymore.
Yes, but I'm afraid it's still not enough. More manpower!
Haha, his knight is not even on the board. He's hiding out in that house.
He could easy fix the bridges I keep breaking if he just add a carpenter, but his carpenter is hiding out in his house! Heheh! Afraid.
Haha! My blood runs hot with passion for battle.
Jam the mechanism with something, anything!
Everyone into the stronghold!
Big surprise there.
So you see it is an easy game, but Fred has already lost it.
Rise the drawbridge, immédiatement!
I wish my own descendants had your fighting instinct.
What? You do? You ARE my relative after all!
Ugh, generations of royal inbreeding down the drain.
Ah, the priceless Bonaparte family heirloom.
Sacrebleu! I cannot believe it, Fred! You have accidentally done something right.
Fred's troops wouldn't know what to do with one of those.
Finally! I can resign myself back into my glorious history. The future is yours, Fred Bonaparte. You are indeed a true warrior. Go forth and fight all your battles with the same determination you showed here and your life will be an endless parade of victories. Like mine.
You cant just tell the people you care about them! You have to show them!-
-By leading them nobly into war!
Haha, not bad, Fred.
I was forced to take control and I will stay in control until I beat the love of victory into this degenerate swine who dares to call himself a Bonaparte!
Hm, I was sick that day. Very bad stomach cramp, let me tell you. That's why I've always got my hand tucked in here, you know? Heheh. You'll find out when you're older, it's uh, hereditary.
Ah, this game is so easy even a child like you can play it.
You're doing better than usual, and I hate to end the fun...
...but I guess it's time to put an end to this, as usual.
Ah, I knew it.
Guard the bridge to the stronghold with your LIFE.
(If confused) Wait... what IS the purpose of war? Maybe diplomacy could, uh...
...ugh, wait, who said that!?
All is fair in love and war! You have fought well, but that is as far as you shall go, my friend.
What?? What is this? Fred? Did you do this?
I can't believe it! You... YOU ARE a Bonaparte! There is some Napoleon in your veins after all!
Haha! Back to Russia with you, invader!
Then lead them to victory, milkytoast!
Haha! I like your je ne sais quoi (literally "I don't know what" in French, an indescribable quality)! Your joi de vivre ("joy of living" in French)! Maybe you will teach my long-legged nincompoop a lesson, eh? Heheh, alors ("so" or "well" in French)!
Oh, what are you waiting for? Why don't you move your knight into the stronghold and get it over with!
Ha! Come on. Even Wellington hit harder than that!
(If Raz attempts to levitate him) I am not short but you should know for future reference that small people do not enjoy being lifted up as if they were children. I am an Emperor! I am King!
Destroy that bridge! For France!
Shut up! Stop telling people that shameful fact.
Whats this? My lazy opponent is actually trying to win? He has sent in reinforcements! Well well! Then the game truly begin. Send in my best soldier!
Your move!
Ugh, it just gets worse and worse the more I know.
Hey! Do not try to bribe my troops! They are too loyal anyway, and would never leave me.
Hey don't touch my pieces!-
-That is cheating!
All my worthless descendant has to do is move the knight piece into the center of my stronghold.
And if they came out to form a strong militia, they wouldn't be able to move around the board, because I keep wrecking his bridges!
Le chargez! (literally "It/him [you] charge!" (sic) in French, a command to charge "it" or "him")
Le fire! ("It/him" in French + fire, a command to fire on "it" or "him")
Marchez-vous! (literally "March-you!" in French, a command to march)
Enfants de la Patrie! ("Children of the Fatherland!" in French)
Le jour de gloire est arrivé! ("The day of glory has arrived!" in French)
Allons enfants! ("Let's go, children!" in French)
Ha ha! Le jour de gloire est arrivé! ("Ha ha! The day of glory has arrived!" in French)
More wine.
If Raz asks for help:[]
Voice Lines
You need to talk one of these peasants into forming a militia for you.
So you'll also need a strong militia to fight my soldiers.
Well, you need to enlist a carpenter so you can fix that bridge I broke, stupid.
Move the Carpenter over to the bridge so it can fix it.
Move your Militiaman next to my soldier! Do I have to tell you everything?
There is a huge salt shaker blocking the game board. Get rid of it!
You've got another broken bridge. Get your carpenter.
Oh, cochon ("pig/swine" in French). You need to recruit another peasant if you want to keep fighting.
Get that Militiaman on over to where the action is so he can fight!
You're going to need one last brave soldier.
Knights are good at storming strongholds, but they are not good at field combat.
You will need to get your heartiest Knight out onto the game board if you want to storm my stronghold.
Ugh, you have to storm the stronghold with your Knight you stupid fool.
Ha! No help from me. You have fought well, but you will never get that drawbridge down. So your Knight will never be able to storm my stronghold!