–Nurse Barr
Nurse Barr is a mental figure in Hollis' Mind. She is based on one of Hollis Forsythe's real co-workers from her past as a medical student.
Nurse Barr has two forms inside Hollis' mind. In Hollis' Clasrrom, she appears completely human. In Hollis' Hot Streak, she appears as a humanoid with what appears to be a urine sample for a head.
(First encounter) Raz: "I'd like to make a bet!"
Nurse Barr: "Sure. Which runner SUITS you this evening?"
- Raz: "I'd like to join the winners' CLUB."
- Nurse Barr: "Good luck with that. And... THEY'RE OFF! Coming up to the finish line... And it's "Spade in Full" taking the trophy!"
- Raz: "I gotta follow my HEART."
- Nurse Barr: "What? Haven't you seen the odds?"
- Raz: "Hey, no one can lose forever, right?"
- Nurse Barr: "(laughs) You don't know Hearts. And... THEY'RE OFF! Coming up to the finish line... And it's "Diamond Daze" for the win!"
- Raz: "I'm digging for luck with SPADES."
- Nurse Barr: "Please leave all gambling jokes to the PROFESSIONALS. And... THEY'RE OFF! Coming up to the finish line... And it's "Diamond Daze" for the win!"
Nurse Barr: "That's weird most people usually win every time well try again bye! Okay, that's the last bet! Runners to your starting gates! Prepare the patient for the exam! And... THEY'RE OFF!"
(EKG Patient talks to Nurse Barr) EKG Patient: "(sigh) So can I go back to my room now?"
Nurse Barr: "Sorry, sir. The doctor wants more tests."
EKG Patient: "(moans)"
(The patient talks to Nurse Barr second time) EKG Patient: "Phew! I'm beat!"
Nurse Barr: "Don't you go anywhere! There was a problem with that test and we need a do-over."
EKG Patient: "(moans)"
- "Spade in Full" seems to be fading.
- "Diamond Daze" dropping down!
- "Spade in Full" pulling ahead like a royal flush!
- "Diamond Daze" in the lead!
- "Billy the Club" looks all in!
- "Diamond Daze" looking sharp!
- Congratulations to the winners on their bets.
- Runners, take a hot five in the back.
- Doctors and nurses, place your bets! Next race will be starting soon!
- "Spade in Full" out in front!
- "Billy the Club" wins the race, folks!
Hollis Forsythe[]
Hollis was Barr's coworker.
Dr. Potts[]
Dr. Potts is Barr's boss.
- The names of the nurses in Hollis' Mind are likely meant to reference slot machines. "Bar" is an icon that commonly appears on slot machine reels, and supposedly originally represented a bar of chewing gum.
- Nurse Barr and Nurse Bell have very similar human appearances.
- Nurse Barr sees Raz as a lollipop.