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Using the oarsman's badge to get to Milla Vodello.

The Oarsman's Badge is a merit badge of the kind, given by Sasha Nein which allows campers and specially Razputin Aquato to use any of the canoes at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp; and more specific, at Lake Oblongata.

Role in Psychonauts[]

At the Boathouse and Beach, there’s various floating and wooden platforms in the lake which one of them works as the spot for Milla Vodello and her mental classroom "The Mental Mix". Raz normally, cannot reach her teaching place since it’s very distant, forcing the campers to take on a canoe; in his case and in-game wise, Sasha's Shooting Gallery and two visits to the Brain Tumbler Experiment must be done in order to be tasked to learn Levitation, and so Sasha gives Raz the Oarsman’s Badge, which is mostly like a permission slip that must be shown to "Admiral" Cruller to get access to the canoes. Not much usage is given to this badge after Milla's Dance Party, mostly since this item is that type of blockage to prevent skipping a good chunk of Psychonauts.


  • The canoe is only useful to get around the enclosed part of the lake near the Boathouse before Raz learns Levitation. All of Raz’s excursions on and in the lake are achieved via the Bathysphere and Linda.
  • While not making a return in Psychonauts 2, Razputin will comment about showing his Oarsman’s Badge while riding on the canoes in the river in the Quarry.
  • Along with the Basic Braining, Mental Magnet and Psychonauts badge, this badge don’t give a power but more like a permit slip of the style that lets Razputin be at certain locations, interact with certain stuff from an area or just to show his current status in the Psychonauts.
  • This is one of the very few badges which it is collected in the real world and is not given by an inner self or mental figures in someone’s mind.