–Ford Cruller advise Raz from the bacon about the PSI-Bears.
PSI-Bears are hostile, mutated, psychic brown bears found in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. They can be seen roaming at day and night time in areas where the nature is more prevalent and are rare to have any campers around.
They are aggressively hungry and will use telekinesis on Razputin to slap him or hold him while they attack him. They also know levitation and are commonly seen floating. They can be found near Ford Cruller's trailer, in a cave in the Reception Area, behind the fences of Sasha Nein's lab, and guarding the parking lot at night (Though in this section they disappear after Mikhail and Maloof are seen close the Coach's Jeep).
These beasts have a really good amount of health so going on melee with pure PSI-Punches isn’t the best option. To defeat them, sneak up on them with Invisibility and if not having Shield yet simply dodge roll as much as you can, Pyrokinesis twice does the trick (as long as Raz keeps distance of the bear to not get burn in the process), or for the easiest and least troublesome; shoot them repeatedly with Razputin's PSI-Blasts which only takes 3 shoots. Confusion could work too just so raz can beat the heck out of ’em with barrages of punches right away.
Areas Found[]
- Reception Area
- GPC and Wilderness
- Parking Lot
- Clairvoyance reveals that they see Raz as a picnic ice chest full of food.
- It is unknown if Mikhail has actually wrestled any of the bears around camp. However, he does compare them to the bears from Russia saying they are small.