Psychonauts Wiki
I can burn wood with my mind.


Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin 20190303145221

A Young Loboto levitates his moral compass.

Psychic powers, or PSI-Powers, are special abilities that can be used by psychics.

Psycho Portal

A psycho-portal.

Raz can learn how to use many psychic abilities throughout the Psychonauts series. Most of his psychic abilities are learned with the acquisition of merit badges.

Note: The known users section only applies to characters from the real in-game world. Mental figures are not listed.


Main article: Psi-Punch

PSI-Punch is the psychic ability to generate a large fist of energy to punch or slap enemies.

Known users[]

Astral Projection[]

Main article: Astral Projection

Astral Projection is the ability to take one's mental image and insert it into the mind of another to explore their Mental World.

Known users[]

  • Coach Oleander
  • Razputin Aquato
  • Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind


Main article: Marksmanship

Marksmanship, also known as PSI-Blast, Deadly Triangle Beam, or Blastokinesis, is the ability to release a highly concentrated beam of energy from one's mind to blast away enemies.

Known users

  • Augustus Aquato
  • Dogen Boole
  • Ford Cruller
  • Razputin Aquato


Main article: Telekinesis

Telekinesis is the psychic ability to move objects with one's mind.

Known users[]


Main article: Pyrokinesis

Pyrokinesis is the psychic ability to set flammable things on fire with one's mind. According to Ford Cruller, it's recommended not to use this power near people who use hairspray. Like marksmanship, pyrokinesis can be especially dangerous if uncontrolled[8].

Known users[]

  • Razputin Aquato
  • Norma (specialty)[9]
  • Hollis Forsythe


Main article: Hydrokinesis

Hydrokinesis is the psychic ability to control the movement of water with one's mind. This power can allow the psychic to move puddles or oceans depending on their experience.

Known users[]


Main article: Levitation

Levitation is the psychic ability to levitate off the ground. Levitation may or may not require the use of a levitation ball.

Known users[]

  • PSI-Bears
  • Phoebe Love
  • Quentin Hedgemouse
  • Razputin Aquato


Main article: Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to see through the eyes of others. The person perceived through a target's eyes may appear different from their point of view. It can also be used to locate people from far distances.

Known users[]


Main article: Zoolingualism

Zoolingualism is the psychic ability to communicate with animals.

Known users[]


Main article: Shield

Shield is the psychic ability to generate a shield of energy around oneself or others for protection. Most psychics have their own unique shield color.

Known users[]

  • Milla Vodello
  • Morceau Oleander
  • Razputin Aquato
  • Linda (possibly)[20]


Main article: Invisibility

Invisibility is the ability to temporarily render oneself invisible. It does not typically work under infrared vision[21].

Known users[]

  • Dogen Boole
  • Elka Doom
  • Ford Cruller
  • Milka Phage (specialty)[22]
  • Phoebe Love
  • Quentin Hedgemouse
  • Razputin Aquato
  • Lili Zanotto

Time Bubble[]

Main article: Time Bubble

Time Bubble is the psychic ability to temporarily slow down or speed up time for an object or a person.

Known users[]

Mind Reading[]

Main article: Mind Reading

Mind reading is the ability to read someone's mind, with or without their consent. Many psychics are shown to naturally know this ability.

Known users[]

  • Ford Cruller
  • Lili Zanotto
  • Milla Vodello
  • Sasha Nein
  • Razputin Aquato

Mental Magnet[]

Main article: Mental Magnet

Mental Magnet allows the user to attract mental items, mental health, or energy inside a mental world.

Known Users[]

  • Razputin Aquato (if purchased from the camp store)


Main article: Telepathy

Telepathy is the psychic ability to speak to others using one's thoughts. Many psychics are shown to naturally know this ability.

Known users[]

  • Chloe Barge
  • Dogen Boole
  • Elton Fir
  • Ford Cruller
  • Lili Zanotto
  • Milla Vodello
  • Morceau Oleander
  • Razputin Aquato


Main article: Teleportation

Teleportation is the psychic ability to instantly move oneself or others through space to a specific destination.

Known users[]

Curse (PSI-Power)[]

Some hold the belief that psychics can "curse" others to bring misfortune upon them and their descendants. This power isn't real and curses do not exist in the Psychonauts universe.


Main article: Herbaphony

Herbaphony is the psychic ability to talk to plants. Herbaphony users can also encourage plants to grow.

Known users[]

  • Lili Zanotto (specialty)
  • Bob Zanotto (specialty)[27]
  • Elton Fir (specialty) [28]


Main article: Precognition

Precognition is the psychic ability to see the future. The power seems to be extremely rare, as the only characters implied to have it are Elka Doom and the Galochios.

Known users[]

  • Elka Doom (specialty)[29]
  • The Galochios[30]


Some hold the belief that psychics can communicate to and raise the dead. However, this power isn't real and it is impossible to bring back the dead in the Psychonauts universe.

PSI Energy Transfer[]

Main article: PSI Energy Transfer

PSI energy transfer is the psychic ability to fully or partially transfer one's psychic energy to another.

Known Users[]

  • Augustus Aquato
  • Lili Zanotto
  • Milla Vodello
  • Morceau Oleander
  • Sasha Nein
  • Lucrecia Mux


Main article: Confusion

Confusion is the psychic ability to temporarily stun or confuse others. It has similar effects to intoxication or nausea, and can incapacitate psychics as well as non-psychics.

Known users[]

Mental Connection[]

Main article: Mental Connection

Mental Connection is the psychic power to connect disparate ideas in minds.

Known users[]

  • Razputin Aquato
  • Hollis Forsythe

Mental Projection[]

Main Article: Mental Projection

Mental Projection is the psychic power to create an archetype of one's self. This ability allows some psychics to access areas they otherwise wouldn't be able to reach, either to pull levers, unlock doors, and/or get otherwise unobtainable items.

Known users[]

  • Razputin Aquato
  • Cassie O'pia


Main article: Cryokinesis

Cryokinesis is the ability to create ice from water.

Known users[]

  • Lizzie
  • Ford Cruller
  • Otto Mentallis
  • Compton Boole
  • Lucrecia Mux
  • Cassie O'Pia
  • Bob Zanotto
  • Helmut Fullbear


  • Brain trauma to a psychic can cause a temporary or permanent loss of some or all psychic abilities.[33][34]
  • Psychic powers can still be used even if the brain is separated from the body.[35][36]
  • Psychic powers can be amplified with technology or psitanium. However, the increased activity in the brain can cause psychics with past emotional trauma to become unstable.


  1. Melvin says he practices"Psychic Boxing".
  2. Oleander has a small obstacle course in his mind specifically to teach campers how to use PSI-Punch.
  3. It is revealed in Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin that Dr. Loboto had an affinity for telekinesis as a child. It is unknown if he still possesses this ability in any form.
  4. Shown in a Double Fine video showing off an unreleased mobile game.
  5. Shown in a Double Fine video showing off an unreleased mobile game.
  6. Shown in a Double Fine video showing off an unreleased mobile game.
  7. Shown in a Double Fine video showing off an unreleased mobile game.
  8. Phoebe Love has trouble controlling her Pyrokinesis and it's implied that she has accidentally set people on fire in the past.
  9. Norma's Pyrokynesis is powerful enough to burn through some large industrial chain links at the Lady Luctopus Casino.
  10. Raz is subconsciously creating the Hand of Galochio out of his fear of water. The hand is entirely a manifestation created by Raz.
  11. Boyd is able to use and teach this ability while inside own mind.
  12. Nils uses clairvoyance to spy on the girl's cabins at Whispering Rock.
  13. Dogen can communicate with the squirrels around Whispering Rock.
  14. Compton can communicate with Cassie's bees.
  15. Elton Fir can communicate with the fish at Lake Oblangata.
  16. Raz can communicate with Lili's pet rat, Harold.
  17. Lili can communicate with her pet rat, Harold.
  18. Oleander is described as being able to speak to Mr. Bun in the Li-Po Backstory Document.
  19. Sam uses this ability to communicate to many animals throughout Psychonauts 2.
  20. Raz learns how to use the shield ability from Linda, who indirectly learned it from Coach Oleander.
  21. The G-men in the Milkman Conspiracy remark that they can still see Raz using infrared vision.
  22. Milka uses invisibly to hide herself from other campers at Whispering Rock.
  23. Linda's mouth never moves when she talks, and her voice has an echo-feel to it, similar to other telepathic voices.
  24. While Raz is in the field, Ford can teleport Raz back to the sanctuary, then return him to the place he teleported in from.
  25. Razputin is not a skilled teleporter. He appears to be able to reflexively teleport out of danger and back to a place of safety. In game, this is what happens when Raz's mental health drops to zero and he loses an Astral Projection Layer.
  26. At least in his own mind, Compton can be observed teleporting around to escape danger or to provide Raz with advice.
  27. Lili, like her uncle Bob, loves to talk to and care for plants.
  28. Elton mentions that he can talk to the trees at Whispering Rock.
  29. Explicitly mentioned in the Li-Po Backstory Document.
  30. It is stated in the Li-Po Document one of the specialties of the Galochios is foreseeing the future.
  31. One of Edgar's mental figures, Dingo Inflagrante, is able to use and teach this ability.
  32. Kitty lists confusion as her psychic specialty on her Campster page.
  33. When away from his brain-stabilizing psitanium deposit, the mind-shattered Ford loses most or all of his psychic powers, or at least the wherewithal to know he has them.
  34. Caligosto Loboto lost his psychic abilities after being lobotomized.
  35. Raz is able to move his exposed brain using telekinesis after being de-brained.
  36. The primary weapon of the Brain Tank is the PSI-blast from the enclosed brain.