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The Paper Cops are mental figures in Cassie's Collection. They are anthropomorphic paper cutouts of animals wearing police uniforms. Their main goal was to incriminate Fanny Flats, the town's biggest criminal. After Flats is arrested, Elephant Cop can be found in his usual spot near the ink lake. Snake Cop and Turtle Cop are nowhere to be found.

Snake Cop[]

Stay outta trouble, kid.

–Snake Cop

Snake Cop is the most active cop in the force. He leaves the town after Flat's arrest.



Raz: Officer.

Snake Cop: Hey kid.

Raz: Are you investigating Fannie Flats?

Snake Cop: Sorry, kid. Can't, you know, comment on an ongoing investigation and whatnot.

Raz: So you ARE investigating Fannie Flats?

Snake Cop: I didn't say nothin'!

Raz: What ARE you investigating?

Snake Cop: Well, I'm thinking of investigating weird little kids with goggles who've recently drifted in from out of town.

Raz: Any idea where I can find some evidence of Fannie Flats' crimes?

Snake Cop: Corruption runs deep in this town, kid. You can find evidence of it everywhere. Especially in the fish cannery, the print shop, and the market.

Raz: What would you do with evidence if you were to hypothetically find some?

Snake Cop: Oh, we'd use it to put the squeeze on Fannie, of course.

Raz: Like, legally speaking?

Snake Cop: Yeah, yeah. Totally legal squeezing.

Raz: I'll let you get back to work.

Snake Cop: Stay outta trouble, kid.

Turtle Cop[]

Turtle Cop is one of the Paper Cops. He isn't as involved in the case as Snake Cop, and leaves the town after Flat's arrest.

Elephant Cop[]

Elephant cop is one of the Paper Cops. He isn't as involved in the case as Snake Cop. He is the only cop that doesn't leave the city after Flat's arrest.



Raz: Hey, seen any evidence around here?

Elephant Cop: Nope! If I did, I'd remember. I'm an elephant.

Raz: I noticed.

Elephant Cop: Noticed what?

Raz: That you're an elephant.

Elephant Cop: Yeah, I am. What about it?


  • The paper animal cops resemble the human police officers from Cassie's memory vault, Cassie's Escape Plan.


