–Paper Lucrecia
Paper Lucrecia is a mental figure in Cassie's Collection. She is Cassie O'Pia's mental representation of Lucrecia Mux. She has the most dialogue out of each paper Psychic Seven member.
Paper Lucrecia is portrayed as a kind and somewhat playful individual. While she is aware of what the original Lucrecia has done back in Grulovia, her archetype does not know why she did that, but does not seem to care that much and brushes it all off when asked.
- (When grabbed by Telekinesis): Careful. You never no what might set me off!
- (When hit with PSI-Punch): Oh, I wouldn't make me mad if I were you.
Raz: Lucrecia? Lucrecia Mux?
Paper Lucrecia: Please, call me Lucy.
Raz: Hi, I don't wanna make things awkward, but you kinda murdered my grandma.
Paper Lucrecia: Well, I don't know who your grandma is, kid, but I don't doubt it. I murdered a lot of people.
Raz: Why did you murder all those people?
Paper Lucrecia: I don't really know. I was the nicest person during my time at Green Needle Gulch.
Raz: What were you doing at Green Needle Gulch?
Paper Lucrecia: Otto Mentallis recruited me to use my powers for hydraulic Psitanium mining. Which Cassie told us was very bad for the environment, but nobody listened to her, as usual.
Raz: Don't you also go by another name?
Paper Lucrecia: Oh, lots! Galochio, Mux, Maligula, Grulovia's Bane, Wet Wanda... That last one was a stage name for an act banned in three countries!
Raz: Did you used to be friends with Cassie?
Paper Lucrecia: Cassie tried to be friends with me, but I was too busy making goo-goo eyes at Ford Cruller. I ruined everything, you know.
Raz: So, before you became Maligula, you were a nice, normal person?
Paper Lucrecia: People are complicated, kid. (sigh) You're too young to get it.
Raz: I'm gonna go. Try not to kill anybody.
Paper Lucrecia: (laughs) Okay! I'll try! No promises!