Psychonauts Wiki

Psilirium! Be careful, Raz. It's very psychically disorienting!

Milla Vodello

Psilirium, or Psylirium is a psycho-radioactive and psychomagentic mineral. It is mentally disorienting to most psychics. Its geological structure resembles a human brain.

Rhombus of Ruin[]

A large deposit of Psilirium is known to be in the heart of the Rhombus of Ruin, where many vehicles have crashed due to pilots and captains being drawn to it. It is unknown if the Psilirium deposit survived the massive facility implosion at the end of Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin.


Psilirium is incredibly rare and likely of extraterrestrial origin, like its cousin Psitanium. However, instead of amplifying psychic energy, it distorts it. Exposure to the substance can cause mania, hysteria, hallucinations, suppression of psychic abilities, and paranoia in psychics. Psilirium can additionally distort technology, causing electronics to fail in in its presence. If a psychic's defenses are strong enough, they can fight its effects to a degree, as shown with Razputin Aquato, who is still able to use Clairvoyance while under the effects of Psilirium poisoning.

It unknown what effects Psilirium has on non-psychic minds.

Psilirium also has psychomagentic properties, affecting the sense of direction of pilots and captains and drawing them towards the Rhombus of Ruin.

Psilirium poisoning treatment[]

Music therapy can be an effective treatment to the harmful effects of Psilirium. Listening to one's favorite music can quickly lift them from a Psilirium trance. However, this not always effective. In the case of Coach Oleander, the music actively worsened his symptoms.


  • The Psilirium does not appear to have a disorienting effect on Dr. Caligosto Loboto, who was born a psychic. Since the operation his parents arranged for him had removed his psychic powers, this may or may not indicate that psilirium has minimal effect on non-psychics if they are crazy enough without it, though such a theory has yet to be officially proven given the fact that pilots and drivers of all sorts had met their end in the Rhombus of Ruin long before the events of the game.


Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]

