Psychonauts Wiki

Raz no bg

Razputin Aquato, a notable psychic.

I don't hate psychics! I used my psychic connection with you to find you. And to project myself into your mind.

–- Augustus Aquato to Raz

A psychic is a human or animal gifted with psychic abilities. Examples include telekinesis, pyrokinesis, mind reading, levitation, and more.

Mental worlds[]

Main article: Mental Worlds

Psychics can astral project into mental worlds using psycho portals or brain tumblers. It is also possible to enter someone's mind without using any technological help.[1] Once a psychic has entered a mind, they can leave through the collective unconscious.


Main article: Psilirium

Psilirium is an element that hampers a psychic's abilities, mental health, and ability to function. Music therapy can be an effective treatment against the harmful effects of psilirium.

The Psychonauts[]

Main article: The Psychonauts

The Psychonauts are an organization created by psychics and managed by the federal government of an unnamed country to monitor psychic activity around the world. The federal government recognizes the organization as one of its own defense branches. The Motherlobe is the headquarters of the Psychonauts organization. The Psychonauts also run a summer camp for young psychics to teach them how to use their powers.

PSI Power Restrictions[]

There are some legal restrictions enforced by the federal government on how psychics can use their powers. In Psychonauts, if Razputin tries to use the Psycho-Portal on a camper, it fails and the following text is displayed: "In accordance with Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the "Young Minds Protection Act," any device created for the purpose of invasive psychic procedure must have built-in safeguards which make its use upon anyone under the age of eighteen (18) impossible."


Psychics are often viewed as "unnatural" by non-psychics, sometimes by their own family members and friends. Efforts to remove psychic abilities are not unheard of - an example being the forceful lobotomization of Dr. Caligosto Loboto to permanently remove his psychic abilities.

Psychics are also banned from most casinos, such as the Lady Luctopus Casino, since mind-reading abilities would allow a psychic to cheat at a majority of casino games, thus warranting a ban.

Known Psychics[]


  • Psychics also aren't allowed into most casinos[2], likely because psychic powers would make it incredibly easy to cheat. However, some psychics are able to conceal their psychic abilities and enter casinos anyway[3].


  1. Ford Cruller, a very experienced psychic, is able to enter Raz's mind without using a brain tumbler or a psycho portal.
  2. Milla Vodello mentions this fact in Psychonauts 2 during the Casino Mission.
  3. Hollis Forsythe does this in Psychonauts 2 during the Casino Mission.