The Psychoblaster Death Tank or Brain Tank is a weapon designed by Dr. Caligosto Loboto during the events of Psychonauts in cooperation with Coach Oleander's plot to take over the world. There are no man-made weapons on these tanks, instead their pilots have their psychic powers greatly amplified to fight against whoever they have on their path. Itβs also a boss fought at the now destroyed Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed.

Razputin fighting the Blueprint Brain Tank.
Throughout the story; this powerful weapon of war is mention and foreshadowed in many different ways: starting with Basic Braining and the Brain Tumbler Experiment giving a small and a bigger hint respectively. While in one it just limits to hint that behind that red curtain something secretly dangerous is on the making, in the other it directly reveals a conceptual idea of said secret and it is fought in the appearance of a living set of blueprints. On later points like after defeating Kochamara and the talk between Loboto and Lili (only seen when using Clairvoyance on the bracelet) it becomes more obvious who is in charge of stealing each and one of the campers brains as well as creating the machines to put them into.
Razputin encounters two constructed versions in Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed: After passing through the upper floors and reaching the very top of the asylum, the first brain tank is located sitting in Loboto's lab, which, turns out to be just a prototype model. Mr. Pokeylope's brain mistakenly is loaded in order to blast Dr. Loboto out of the tower. However once the asylum explodes and goes down to the ruin, the prototype model disappears in the debris but a completely finish version of it piloted by Oleander's brain arrives while sending many pieces of debris fly and knocking out Milla, Sasha, Ford and Lili with a huge PSI-Blast.
Once the tank is defeated by Raz and he attempts to get close to it, said tank sprays sneezing powder on Razputin as a last resort. Razputin's brain is sneezed out, and eventually makes its way to the tank by grabbing his own brain with Telekinesis. Inside the glass dome both brains converges together, creating the Meat Circus mental world.
For the most part both Psychoblaster and the Blueprint counterpart share the same appearances; 10 spikes located in the first 3 shells that composes the body, the double continuous tracks, the generator and the hatch. But, it lacks the gelatinous belly as well as the symbols that used to be down the mental brain tank, another feature is in the lower part of the tank featuring a "Buffalo Plaid Pattern", inside the bullet-proof glass dome now it is filled with green goo. The detail of the green becomes more preeminent when the tank uses Telekinesis or PSI-Blast since both share the same green color (Although the blast being green is only seen in the pre-fight cutscene).
–Ford Cruller advicing Raz from the bacon about the Brain Tank.
The battle starts with the death tank using its psychic hands in order to create a circle of barricades made out of stones and wood, while this happens Raz is immobilized so he cannot attack the tank while doing this. The weak spot of the tank is the glass dome itself which can be damaged with another giant piece of stone (or rubble) been thrown at it, so with that being said Razputin must use as main PSI-Powers for this fight these three abilities: Telekinesis (By grabbing another piece of debris and throwing it at any of the ones floating around in circles it will get destroyed), Shield (whenever the tank attempts to throw any of the debris Raz can block it with his shield) and Pyrokinesis (this is the most important to expose completely the tank from its defenses, since the wooden barricades can only be burnt). One thing to keep in mind is that the rubble barricades even if they are destroyed eventually the tank will bring more so the player must calculate their time properly. Doing this 3 times will result on victory, deactivating the tank (even when the latter didnβt move that much other than rotating to Razputinβs current positions).
Attacks and Health[]
- Telekinetic Stones: From time to time the tank will rise one of the debris out of the first ring and after 3 seconds throw it a Raz right away. Best way to avoid this attack is by using Shield or throwing another piece of stone at it. If neither of these are done Raz will get hit as well as being pushed far enough while dealing 4 hit points (1 whole brain for Mental Health).
- Psychic Blast: If the tank is directly looking at Razputin in a part where the 2 shield rings were destroyed, the tank will start to charge enough energy to shoot a PSI-Blast at Razputin which deals 4 hit points.
- Falling Rubbles (Obstacle): Around the tank and its shields there are spots with a rubble in it, which Raz can use to throw it at the first ring or directly at the tank. However once he does that said spot will be empty for about 3 to 5 seconds and if Raz stands in any of these spots not only does he get pushed but also receives 2 hit points of damage.
- Ferocious Aura: Each shield ring whenever Raz attempts to get close to them or even PSI-Punch them, theyβll push and send him fly far from the tank while doing 4 hit points of damage. Not to mention that they can reflect the shoots from PSI-Blast or the throws of Confusion.
- Toxic Cracks (Obstacle): All over the arena there are a total of 6 (8 if counting the division of two) cracks with toxic waste on them, similar to the one founded in one of the points where the upper floors used to be. Levitation helps to pass through them without zero problem but without that ability if Raz attempts to pass through them on foot it with damage him and deal 4 hit points.
- Giant PSI-Claw: Besides the many psychic hands used to grab pieces of wood and debris, the tank uses a much bigger one in two occasions; when trying to pick Razputin in the pre-fight cutscene and the other being whenever Raz attempts to reach the brain tank without any defenses around it. When the last mentioned thing is done, the tank will generate a big claw that whacks him far away and dealing a total of 8 hit points (2 whole brains for the Mental Health).
- Invincibility: Similar to the Blueprint version, both tanks are notorious for having majority of its body immune to most if not any sort of attacks, this could be the case thanks to their complex structure or perhaps the materials they were created with.
Despite its much bigger size and stronger abilities, the Psychoblaster Death Tank doesnβt even reach the same amount of strength as its mental variant. While the other had around 39 hits for its health, this one on the other hand resists 3 hits which basically are the 3 direct throws done into the glass dome where Oleanderβs brain is located. If one counts the amount of throws and burnts at the first and second shields it could perhaps be more but objectively talking, 3 hits is the most proper amount and with that it makes this the boss fight with the lowest amount of health in all Psychonauts.
- Along with Linda these are the only two boss fights in the entirety of Psychonauts series that takes places in spaces of the real world.
- While the first one is fought at the remains of Shaky Claim under the water, the second is fought at the completely destroyed ruins of Thorney Towers.
- When having a closer look to the arena of the fight, one can notice that the area where the battle takes place is where the lower floors used to be; but more specific, the brain tank remains stationary where the elevator to the upper floors used to be.
- Thereβs a glitch with the telekinesis of the brain tank where sometimes part of the wooden barricades will not be placed correctly or that the glowing effect when trying to rise and throw a piece rubble will not display.
- Early data seems to reveal that this boss originally was meant to add more stuff into it, for more information check out this page.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (40:02 for the fight)