Psychonauts Wiki

The Psychonauts internship program is managed by Hollis Forsythe. They are higher rank than PSI-Cadets and lower rank than Junior Psychonauts. Psychic Interns are taught how to develop and hone new psychic powers while learning in the Motherlobe and occasionally accompanying Psychonauts on field missions. Interns have limited access to the Motherlobe facilities, and for those areas that aren’t regularly accessible to interns, they require a permission from Hollis or even Truman through a ThinkerPrint Reader.

Interns are assigned to a mentor that oversees their performance at the Motherlobe, these mentors can be either agents or staff members of the Psychonauts HQ like Nick Johnsmith. New interns are often subject to hazing rituals from senior interns, pretty much what Razputin experimented after being forced to be left in his circus underwear inside the Artifact Storage. Interns can earn Intern Credits to rank up their psychic powers; just like PSI-Cadets, earned new psychic power certificates are often awarded with special merit badges.

Known interns (now Junior Psychonauts)[]

All characters listed below have now graduated into Junior Psychonauts.


Official render of the Interns and Hollis by Double Fine.
