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Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin - Main Theme (Full Edit)

The "Main Theme" of Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin. It was composed by Peter MacConnell, who composed the music for the first Psychonauts game, with lyrics by Tim Schafer, who created the Psychonauts franchise to begin with, and performed by Kim Nalley.


Verse 1[]

You're flying so high
Over cities of gold
But in your mind's eye
Something evil takes hold

Call from a stranger
You whisper a name
Dive into danger
Like a moth to the flame

And you know it's too late
To stop what you're doin'
You can't break a date
With the Rhombus of Ruin

Next thing you'll be viewin'
Is the Rhombus of Ruin

Verse 2[]

It's time that you face
That there's no reason why
You're drawn to the place
Where you're certain to die

And didn't you get my
Mayday telegram
To please stay away from
That parallelogram

No wise man will tread
Where you all just flew in
You'll sure lose your head
In the Rhombus of Ruin

And you'll stick like glue in
The Rhombus of Ruin

Verse 3[]

You're a fool to dare
To try to escape
From the pull of this
slanted square

And your life is on loan
No chance of renewin'
And there's no going home
From the Rhombus of Ruin

'Cause trouble is brewin'
So don't put your shoe in
You're going to boo-hoo in
The Rhombus of Ruin