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Raz's Archetype

Here I go!

–Doodle Raz

Raz's Archetype, nicknamed "Doodle Raz" by fans, is a copy of Razputin Aquato created by himself using Mental Projection.


Archetype Raz is a stylized doodle of Raz made out of paper. He resembles the cartoonish caricature Raz drew of himself in his notebook. He sometimes transforms into an orange paper airplane that follows Raz around.


Archetype Raz acts like a younger brother to Raz who wants to be involved in everything. He also shares Raz's self-confidence, which leads him to believe that Raz is his clone (though sometimes, he claims to be aware he is only a clone "of an ugly person", implying he thinks Raz is unattractive). He has Raz's excitement, but without his mental filter, leading him to buzz around excitedly all the time.

Role in Psychonauts 2[]

After reaching the area called "Teacher’s Domain" in Cassie's Collection, Raz finds Teacher Cassie and warns her about The Librarian which is trying to capture her along with the other remaining archetypes of Cassie. Raz gets introduced to Mental Projection after the teacher questions him about the Real Cassie, which asks him if he considers himself the real Razputin when he’s interacting with friends, his family or even his special someone, saying that everyone is composed of various archetypes which they appear according the circumstances one is in. Once getting his merit badge, Raz creates his very first archetype which mostly is the representation of Raz’s childish attitude, which also leads to the teacher say that he can get better with practice.

Raz Archetype involving into the story is minimal, but as for gameplay purpose, he becomes the key to many puzzles in Cassie’s mind, the confrontation with the Die-Brarian and other past mental worlds visited such as Hollis' Hot Streak or PSI King's Sensorium. Plus, some collectibles in the real world cannot be obtained without this little doodle, making him relevant in gameplay for the post-game too.



  • "I'm only a clone! OF AN UGLY PERSON!"
  • "I'm so glad you're here, you big, round ball of LOVE!"
  • "Yee-haw! Let me at 'em!"
  • "I'm so... FLAT!"
  • "Oh, not this again!"
  • "Aw, it's you! My best friend! What's your name again?"
  • "Kid, we're one of a kind!"
  • "Where am I?"
  • "Finally!"
  • "It's you and me forever, pal!"
  • "Hey, handsome!"


  • Raz: S'up Clone?
    • Raz Archetype: Aw, that's cute. My clone think he's real.
  • Raz: We make a great team.
    • Raz Archetype: I think we should see other people.
  • Raz: Hey.
    • Raz Archetype: Not now, I'm working.
  • Raz: How's it going?
    • Raz Archetype: Eh, feeling a bit flat. (laugh)


  • "*sigh*"
  • "Doo dee doo...."
  • "Dum dum dum!"
  • "(tuneless humming)"
  • "(yawn)"
  • "(big yawn)"

Command to Move[]

  • "My dogs are barking today!"
  • "Hey, what's that over there?"
  • "Got it!"
  • "I would NOT go in there if I were you."
  • "You sure you wanna do that?"
  • "Is that a penny over there?"
  • "I'm going to stand over here right now."
  • "I got this!"
  • "Hey what's that over there?"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "Look! Over there!"
  • "What's that?"

Pulling a lever[]

  • "These things are murder on my back."
  • "Another day, another dollar!"
  • "Sure, sure. You just take it easy, big guy."
  • "Why do i have to do all the hard work?"

Going through lattice[]

  • "Exsqueeze me!"
  • "Back in a jiff!"
  • "Easy sqeezy!"

Grabbed with Telekenises[]

  • "Higher!"
  • "I'm flying!"
  • "Wheeeee!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Airplane ride!"

Grabbed with Mental Connection[]

  • "Gross. This suit is dry-clean only!"
  • "Is this how you digest your victims?"
  • "Barf! Why'd you do that?"
  • "Well, this is certainly a sticky situation. (laughs)"

Burned with Pyrokinesis[]

  • "Ah! Burning!"
  • "I need water! Help!"
  • "Hot hot hot!"
  • "So hot!"

Hit or jumped on by Razputin[]

  • "Stop it! I crease easily!"
  • "My face!"
  • "Careful! Precious cargo here!"
  • "Hey, knock it off!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Owie!"
  • "Ow!"
  • "Hurting!"


  • "My work here is done."
  • "(blows raspberry)"
  • "I'm out."
  • "Later."
  • "Byeeeee."
  • "Smell ya later!"
  • "Peace."


  • "(dying)"
  • "(cough) The horror..."
  • "I'm taking you with me!" (if equipped the Wastepaper pin)


  • The Raz archetype was voiced by the same actor that voiced Gir in Invader Zim. Raz himself was voiced by Richard Horvitz, who also voiced Zim in that same show.
    • The casting was an intentional reference to the character dynamic between Zim and Gir on the show.[1]
    • The Archetype's personality and behavior is greatly based upon Gir's
  • Using clairvoyance on Raz's Archetype shows he sees Raz as the copy.
  • There is a specific pin that, once equipped, mutes the archetype.
  • Spawning Raz Archetype in front of Librarian Cassie will make her ask Raz if he learned from Teacher Cassie, also warning him about being a prohibited lesson.
    • On the other hand in her powerful form known as the Die-Brarian, she will be confused if Raz Archetype is Raz’s friend, if he’s the smart one or if Raz is multiplying.
  • As expected from an ability that spawns a clone of one’s self; many NPCs will have various reactions when spawning and damaging them with Wastepaper. (Video Example)

