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Psychonauts Wiki

Raz's Journal

This Field Manual will act as your guide in the world of PSYCHONAUTS. Your progress is tracked here along with information you gather on your journey to becoming a junior Psychonaut! When in doubt, consult your manual!

Psychonauts 2 description

Raz's Journal is where Razputin makes notes of everything he does. In here, a list of objectives, a record of every collectible, and files with memories and cutscenes from all visited minds can be found.


In Psychonauts, it can be accessed by pausing the game, and scrolling through the tabs at the top. The scavenger hunt list can be viewed from the third tab of the journal. There are six tabs to shift from. Each tab shows a different panel of information:

  • The menu tab: Shows the menu options.
  • Collectibles in the area: Shows all collectibles throughout the current area.
  • Collectibles in total: Shows all collectibles throughout the game.
  • Objective list: Lists all of Raz's current objectives.
  • The memories tab: Shows all the mental vaults Raz has collected. He can view them again at any time.
  • The map tab: Only works in Whispering Rock. It does not work in mental worlds, under Lake Oblangata, or at Thorney Towers.

Psychonauts 2[]

The journal returns in Psychonauts 2. Raz write's more detailed notes on each goal he creates.

List of pages:[]

  • Intern profile: Shows Razputin's basic intern information.
  • PSI powers: Keeps track of Raz's PSI Power information.
  • Area survey: Keeps track of all the places Raz can go.
  • Mission log: Keeps track of Raz's current objectives.


  • There are no objectives listed for the Maternity room level in Psychonauts 2. This was likely an oversight during the game's development.