(Objectives are listed in order)
- Check-in at the Front Desk
- Report to the Classroom: Hollis Forsythe wants me to report to the Intern Coordinator in the Classroom. The map I got at reception should help me find it.
- Escape the Storage Room: Not what I was expecting from my first day as an intern... now I am going to be late! There must be a way out of this storage room!
- Find the Door Code: There's a door at the back of the storage room that maintenance uses to clean the outside of the Motherlobe. It requires a code, but surely it must be written down somewhere. Maybe Harold can help?
- Go through the door: I have the password! Now to unlock the door and route back inside.
- Find a way back into HQ: Just climbing on the outside of PSYCHONAUTS HQ. Totally safe and not a bad idea at all! Hopefully this path leads somewhere.
- Report to Hollis' Office: Now that I've got fresh pants, it's time to get back on track and report to Hollis, who also happens to be the Intern Coordinator! Looking at my map of the Motherlobe, her office is near her classroom.
- Report to the Mail Room: Yay! I've got an intern assignment! Except it's in the mail room with someone named... Nick Johnsmith? At least everyone seems to like him.
- Sort the Mail: Nick isn't here, but I should still get to work sorting these packages. Looks like there is a chute for every department of the Psychonauts. I could probably sort this mail a lot faster with Telekinesis.
- Deliver the Package: This package looks important. I should take it right to Truman's Office for inspection... carefully. Who knows what's in there?!
- Go to Class: Intrigue! Excitement! But... Hollis still wants us to go to class. Who can study when there is a MOLE IN THE PSYCHONAUTS!? I can't believe Sasha and Milla are going on a mission without me.
- Enter Hollis' Mind: Hollis' classroom is inside her mind. Time to jump in and start learning!
- Hollis' Classroom: I REALLY want to go on the Lady Luctopus mission, but I guess we have to do training exercises in Hollis' classroom instead. I wonder if there's a way to convince her to let us go?
- Make a Mental Connection: I did it! I connected to an Idea! Now, if I can just connect it to another one, that would make a Mental Connection! Seems impossible to make someone delight in Cilantro, but it's worth a try.
- Change Hollis' Mind: I'll bet if I could get Hollis to think that Cilantro is disgusting with the right Mental Connection. There's no harm in making her think that something is true, right?
- Exit the Ambulance: This was a bad idea. I need to get back to the classroom.
- Enter the Hospital: Hollis went into the Hospital. I gotta catch up to her and try to change her mind about the mission!
- Hospital Hallway: What is this place? Who is Dr. Potts? I gotta keep moving to catch up to Hollis.
- Find Hollis: Hollis has to be somewhere in this hospital. I need to find her.
- Rewire Hollis' Mind: With the right Mental Connection, I'll bet I can make Hollis think that bringing interns on the Lady Luctopus mission would be a good thing!
- Operation Lady Luctopus: That key we found on Nick's body led us to the Lady Luctopus Casino! Is this a Delugionist hideout? Do they have a mole at Psychonauts headquarters? Why did they take Nick's brain?!
- Talk to Hollis: I'm worried about Hollis. Something seems off with her. Maybe I should talk to her to see if she's OK.
- Retrieve the Dowsing Goggles: Hollis wants me to get her Dowsing Goggles from her seat on the Jet. What do Dowsing Goggles even look like?!
- Follow Agent Forsythe: Oh no. What have I done to Hollis? Where is she headed? I've gotta go after her!
- Mind Hollis' Mind: Why is Hollis acting so strange? I need to fix this.
- Find Hollis: Hollis' mind looks... different. Maybe if I retrace my steps, I can find my way back to her.
- Hospital Hallway Redux: Not this guy again! At least I'm getting closer to Hollis' quiet place. Almost there...
- Become a High Roller: Hollis says I need 3 GAZILLION dollars to get into the High Rollers Lounge?! Where am I gonna make that kinda dough?
- Win a Gazillion Playing Pillinko: Maybe I could make a GAZILLION dollars playing that Pilinko game in the Pharmacy? That would just what the doctor ordered.
- Un-rig the Pillinko Machine: The Pillinko machine is rigged!! I'll bet of these players around here knows something about it? I should ask around.
- Talk to the Pillinko Nurse: That Nurse is around somewhere. Maybe she can shed some light on the situation...
- Talk to the Old Patient: That old guy with the skull face seemed to want to drop some wisdom on me. Let's see what he knows!
- Talk to Young Patient: That young patient seemed to know something... Where was he sitting again?
- Make a Mental Connection: Hmm. Which of these big ideas should I connect together? Gotta pick wisely. Decisions, decisions...
- Make Another Mental Connection: Looks like I need to make another mental connection... but how do I judge which ideas I need to connect? I need to figure this out so I can un-rig the machine. Can't quit now!
- Infiltrate Pillinko: Looks I can connect my way to the back of the Pillinko machine now! Then I can get under the hood and make it play fair again!
- Fix the Bad Connection: Looks like this Pillinko machine just had a bad connection. I should be able to fix this up in a jiff!
- Win the Jackpot: The blockage is clear from the Pillinko machine now. Time to win that GAZILLION dollar jackpot!
- Talk to the Racers: This race feels rigged. Maybe I should have a heart to heart with the racers.
- Fix the Rigged Race: Cardio Racing is rigged! I've got to figure out a way to fix it, so Heart has a chance.
- Win Cardio Racing: The race is no longer rigged. Time to make that Gazillion dollar bet!
- Return to the High Roller's Lounge: Hollis will have to let me into the High Roller's Lounge now that I'm a triple Gazillionare!
- Defeat the Lady Luctopus: Hollis is stacking the deck against me! I can't let the house win this time...
- Find a way into the Penthouse: The Penthouse is in the North Tower area. I gotta find a way over there.
- Investigate the Penthouse: I need to look around for anything suspicious. Maybe there's some clues to explain what the Deluginists are up to or who within the Psychonauts might be working with them.
- Talk to Lili in Truman's Office at the Nerve Center: I need to show Lili the photo I found in the Deluginist penthouse. She couldn't be the mole, could she? I bet she's in her dad's office, above the Nerve Center.
- Find some Bacon to summon Ford Cruller: Somehow my bacon from Whispering Rock was lost in the Rhombus of Ruin, I need a new piece to summon Ford Cruller. They probably have bacon at the Cafe.
- Explore Ford's Mind: Ford is acting stranger than usual. I hope summoning him outside of Whispering Rock was a good idea. I should check out his mind and see what's up.
- Find 3 Aspects of Ford: Ford mentioned three different roles before breaking apart. I should find those aspects of his mind. He specifically mentioned sorting mail, cleaning shoes and cutting hair.
- Find the Barber Ford Fragment: Ford mentioned cutting hair. Maybe one aspect is in the barber shop in the Atrium? It IS called "Ford's", after-all.
- Find the Bowling Ford Fragment: Ford mentioned cleaning shoes. Maybe he meant bowling shoes? I should check out Astral Lanes Bowling Alley.
- Find the Mail Clerk Ford Fragment: Ford mentioned sorting mail, maybe he is in the mailroom somewhere? We all gotta start somewhere.
- Ask Nick for help: Ford will only allow senior staff into the mail room. Maybe Nick can help me? I wonder if he's back in the mailroom.
- Report back to Truman: I know how to repair Ford Cruller, but I can't do it without access to restricted parts of the base. Maybe Truman can help me? I should head to his office.
- Repair Ford's shattered mind: A mole has infiltrated Psychonauts HQ and Deluginists are trying to bring Maligula back to life. The only solution to fix the shattered mind of Ford Cruller-the only Agent to ever defeat Maligula.
- Re-integrate Barber Ford: I need to get inside Barber Ford's mind and see if I can re-integrate him into Ford Prime's mental image.
- Get to the Top of Lighthouse Ford: The top of that lighthouse looks like Ford's head! That's got to be where I can find a piece of his mind. Now how do I get up there?
- Re-integrate Bowling Ford: I need to get inside Bowling Ford's mind and see if I can re-integrate him into Ford Prime's mental image.
- Gain Access to the Bowling Alley: Ford won't let me into the bowling alley without a Senior League Membership Card from a current member. The only surviving member of the league appears to be Compton Boole.
- Get a Senior League Membership Card: Compton is the only agent around that has a card to access the bowling league. He's supposed to be in the Psychoisolation Chambers outside the Motherlobe.
- Find the Forgetful Forest: Compton won't lend me his Senior League Membership Card until I do him a favor. To get there I'll have to travel through the Old Mine to the Questionable Area.
- Capture a bee in the Forgetful Forest: Compton won't lend me his Senior League Membership Card until I get him a bee from the Forgetful Forest. The entrance is somewhere in the Questionable Area.
- Give Compton the Bees: Now that I've captured some bees for Compton I just need to return to the Psychoisolation Chamber to get that Senior League Membership Card!
- Soothe Compton: Compton isn't handling all these bees very well, and certainly won't be handing that card over any time soon. I should hop in his mind and see if I can help him deal with the chaos of life a little better.
- Save Compton from Judgement: Compton Boole seems afraid of being judged. Maybe I can help him...
- Prepare a Drowned Egg: Truman says we need to make a Grulovian Drowned Egg for the judges.
- Reveal the meal: Once all the ingredients are plated, I need to pound that big red button to reveal the meal to the judges.
- Prepare a Strawberry Jam Croque Madame: Now Truman wants us to make a Strawberry Jam Croque Madame for the judges.
- Reveal the meal: Once all the ingredients are plated, I need to pound that big red button to reveal the meal to the judges.
- Prepare a Honey Pepper Pancake Stacker: Truman wants us to make a Honey Pepper Pancake Stacker for the judges.
- Reveal the meal: Once all the ingredients are plated, I need to pound that big red button to reveal the meal to the judges.
- Show the League Card to Ford: I got the Senior League Membership Card! Now to return to the Astral Lanes Bowling Alley in the Motherlobe and get inside.
- Find Bowler Ford: Ford must be somewhere in this bowling alley. Let's get the ball rolling...
- Get to Bowling Pin Ford: That giant bowling pin has Ford's face! His piece of mind has got to be in there. Time to roll.
- Get a Piece of Ford's Mind: I'm getting closer to that giant Ford bowling pin. I just gotta get in there and get a piece of his mind!
- Re-integrate Mail Clerk Ford: I need to get inside Mail Clerk Ford's mind and see if I can re-integrate him into Ford Prime's mental image.
- Gain Access to the Secure Mail Room: Mail Clerk Ford has locked himself inside the secure mail room, and will only let in senior staff. If only my mentor, Nick Johnsmith, wasn't brainless! Hmmmm... Where to get a brain?
- Get a Spare Brain: If anyone is going to have a spare brain around, it would be Otto Mentallis. He DID say I should stop by his lab in the Quarry.
- Re-brain Nick: Now that I have a willing, body-less brain, I just need to get into Nick's head. Back to the mail room we go.
- Go into "Nick's" Mind to Calm Him: The brain doesn't seem to be taking to the new body very well... Maybe I should jump inside and see what the trouble is!
- Discover the Brain's Problem: Hooking up Nick's brain didn't quite go as expected. I'll just have a poke around to see if I can find the problem.
- Talk to the Mote of Light: Uhhh... Mote of Light? Where did you go?
- Investigate the Knocking: Who or what is knocking on that... door? I should take a closer look.
- Talk to Vision: What is this crowd waiting for? Who is the PSI King? That Vision eyeball guy seems to know what's going on here. Maybe I should just ask him.
- Find Vision's Violin: I've been pulled into Vision's sense-scape! I need to get his violin back to him, so he can get back on stage!
- Get the Band Back Together: I found Vision's Violin, but I need to find the rest of the band. I can take a spin in the Feel Mobile to round the rest of them up.
- Search the Woods: It sounds like Dr. Touch and Audie O were last seen out by the woods. I should head there in the Feel Mobile.
- Find Dr. Touch and Audie O: Dr. Touch and Audie O are somewhere high in the campground. I've got to find them and convince them to rejoin the band.
- Talk to Dr. Touch and Audie O: Dr. Touch and Audie O seem to have lost their instruments. Maybe I can help. I should talk to them to find out more.
- Find the Instruments in Dr. Touch and Audie O's Sensorium: Dr. Touch and Audie O pulled me into some sort of... aural feelscape. I need to find their instruments and get back, so they can rejoin the band.
- Search the Concessions Stands: Tasty and Sniffles were last seen looking for food over at the Concessions Stands. I'll just head over there in the Feel Mobile to see if I can find them.
- Recruit tasty and Sniffles: Tasty and Sniffles must be around here somewhere. I'll look around the Concessions Stands to see if I can find them. Then maybe I can convince them to rejoin the band.
- Talk to Tasty and Sniffles: Tasty and Sniffles seem to have lost their instruments. Maybe I can help. I should talk to them to find out more.
- Find the Instruments in Tasty and Sniffle's Sensorium: Tasty and Sniffles pulled me into some sort of... olfactory flavorscape. I need to find their instruments and get back, so they can rejoin the band.
- Help Helmut Restore his Memories: In the heat of the battle with Maligula, Helmut formed some warped memories. I need to show him the truth!
- Tame Helmut's fear of Maligula: I cleared up Helmut's confusion, but now I need to tame his fear. Helmut is using Time Bubble to keep Maligula frozen in time... time for me to punch her into oblivion!
- Find Mail Clerk Ford: I need to find a piece of Ford's mind. He must be in here somewhere...
- Find the Lost Letter: Ford told me about an important letter from long ago that he never managed to send. I need to get to the Dead Letter Office to find it for him.
- Address the Lost Letter: I found Ford's letter, but it's missing the recipients name. I'll bet I could use that big typewriter to get it properly addressed for him. Then he can finally send it to his beloved.
- Get a Piece of Mail Clerk Ford's Mind: I need to check inside of that giant head for a piece of Ford's Mind. It's gotta be in there.
- Discover Ford's Secrets: Now that Ford's whole psyche has been restored, you can find out what he knows about Maligula. Delve deeper into his brain until all is clear.
- Meet Ford in the Green Needle Gulch: Ford has run after Nona. I should meet him in that strange building over the lake, that's where he was headed when he disappeared.
- Head to the Heptadome: Ford has a plan for repairing the mind of Nona (who is actually Maligula, who is actually Lucrecia Mux!). I need to check out the Astralathe in the Heptadome, the old Psychonauts Meeting Circle in the middle of the Green Needle Gulch.
- Get the Astralathe Functional: The Astralathe, located in the Heptadome, is the key to repairing Nona's mind. But years of neglect have left it covered with aggressive vines and hostile bees. I need to search Green Needle Gulch to find a way to clear these hazards.
- Eliminate the Bee Threat: Bee hives and sticky honey are blocking access to the Astralathe. There has to be some way to get these bees to clear out. Maybe if I figure out where they came from?
- Find the Source of the Bees: These bees are way too controlled and aggressive to be working alone. Somebody has to be at the top of all of this. Follow the honey!
- Convince Cassie to Help: I found the ringleader of the bees inside her house in Green Needle Gulch. It's Cassie O'Pia, one of the original Psychonauts! Cassie seems to want help, but something is preventing her.
- Talk to Cassie: That looks like Cassie at the desk over there. Maybe she can tell me what's going on?
- Return the Missing Books: The Librarian wants me to find two missing DANGEROUS books. There's books everywhere?! How will I know them when I see them?
- Disable the Enabler: This Enabler shields enemies from my attacks! I'll just be wasting my energy if I don't take care of him first.
- Inspect the Hidden Alcove: There was an alcove behind that secret panel! Maybe it's a clue!
- Get to the Last Page: Am I the protagonist in this story? I can't wait to see what happens on the next page. I hope it has a happy ending...
- Talk to Cassie: Looks like I've found another Cassie? Maybe she'll know where the other books are? Or how to find that nice Writer I met earlier? This is getting confusing.
- Master Projection: Cassie is teaching me how to use Projection. Commanding an Archetype summoned from my own unconscious mind? Sounds like it could come in pretty handy!
- Focus your Archetype on the Door: Look at this little guy! He's like a more annoying paper cutout version of me. Cassie wants me to focus him on that door. Let's see what he can do...
- Head through the Door: Look at that! He got the door open! Now Cassie wants me to take my Archetype through there to put him through the paces.
- Find a Way to Flip the Switch: There's a switch on the other side of those bars. I'm not small enough to squeeze through there, but I know someone who is...
- Open the Door: Another door I can't open? I'm starting to see a pattern here.
- Exit the Room: Ok. My Archetype is useful in a fight, but can he get me out of this room?
- Inspect the Hidden Alcove: I found another secret alcove! Let's give that book a look.
- Get to the Last Page: Another book about me, huh? I need to skip to the end, and get back to Cassie.
- Complete the Lesson: I think I've got the hand of this Projection thing now. I should find Teacher Cassie to finish up this lesson.
- Find the Second Book: I just need to find one more book for Librarian Cassie. Then maybe she'll help me with the bees.
- Search the Library: Now that I've learned Projection, I should be able to use my Archetype to get to some new corners of the library...
- Gather Evidence: Counterfeiter Cassie wants me to find evidence against Fannie Flats, so she can turn her in to the cops and get her immunity deal.
- Find Exhibit A: That factory over there with paper coming out of the top looks like a good place to start...
- Find Exhibit B: I'll bet I could find something illuminating in that tall market with the paper lanterns.
- Find Exhibit C: Something smells fishy in that building with the water wheels! Oh... it's a fishery. I should still probably check it out.
- Return the Evidence to Cassie: I think I have enough evidence to put Fannie Flats away now. I should bring it back to Counterfeiter Cassie in her office.
- Defeat the Die-Brarian: This aspect of Cassie's mind is taking too much control! I'm going to need to quiet her down if Cassie is ever going to be able to turn this page on her life and start a new chapter.
- Trim the Vines: Thorney vines are blocking the use of the Astralathe and I can't just burn them away. There has to be some way to clear these violent vines.
- Find the Root of the Vines: These vines seem to be physically controlled! Maybe if I trace them back to their source I can find out who is in charge and convince them to help. I remember a big greenhouse on a hill on the right side of Green Needle Gulch.
- Convince Bob to Help: I found the source of the vines! It's Bob Zanotto - one of the original Psychonauts (and Lili's great uncle). He seems to have given up on life, but part of him obviously wants help. I should hop in his mind and see whats got him down.
- Talk to Bob: Why is agent Zanotto standing in that flower pot, looking so bummed out? I should talk to him to see whats wrong.
- Find Bob's Seeds: Bob is missing his seeds. I'm going to track them down for him, so he can regrow his mental garden...
- Investigate the Bottle: This bottle looks promising... and ominious. If I could uncork it, there's bound to be something useful inside.
- Get the Seed: Where did that moth go with the seed?! Wait a minute. What... or who is that dangling over there?
- Free Bulb Bob: That Bob bulb is tangled in a rope over there. I gotta come up with something to jiggle him free...
- Get the Seed: That Moth still has the seed. I need to find it and get it back to Agent Zanotto.
- Dispel the Bad Mood: What put this grump in such a Bad Mood? If I could put myself in its shoes for a bit, maybe I could see what's bothering it?
- Drop Down the Drain: That Moth dropped the seed down the drain. Obviously, I have to go after it.
- Investigate the Shrine: This looks a shrine to someone close to Bob. Uh oh... who is that on the altar?
- Investigate the Bottle: A giant bottle washed up on that island over there. Looks like a lead for another seed!
- Find a Way to Reach the Seed: There's a seed in that chest over there. And... another Bulb Bob? Maybe he can help me get through that water...
- Get the Seed: This Bulb Bob is heavy! But looks like he'll help me get across the water to that seed...
- Get the Seed: That Moth flopped off with the seed again! Looks like he swooped down into that ship.
- Carry Bulb Bob Through the River: Bulb Bob needs a lift, and I need to get past that river. I guess we'll be working together on this one.
- Grab the Seed: This looks like another shrine to one of Bob's memories. Doesn't seem like a happy one. Oh! There's the seed on that desk over there.
- Investigate the Bottle: Another bottle washed up. Time to pop the cork and get that last seed!
- Get the Seed: That annoying Moth took the seed again! Guess I'll track him down. Again.
- Get the Seed: That Moth went deep into that cake. Wrong move, Moth. I love cake.
- Get the Seed: Where did that dang Moth go now?
- Get the Seed: Dang it! That Moth flew into Helmut's mouth with the seed. And Bulb Bob wants me to carry him down the aisle. Looks like our goals are aligned.
- Scale Helmut: Bulb Bob belched some rubble off the front of Helmut. Looks like there's bits sticking out that I could use to climb up...
- Grab the Last Seed: Another shrine? This one doesn't seem so bad. Bob must have really loved Helmut. A good memory is just what Bob needs. I need to get him that last seed.
- Return the Last Seed: I've got the last seed in hand! I just need to return it to Agent Zanotto.
- Prune Truheltia Memonstria: Bob's painful memories have manifested as this botanical monstrosity! I need to prune it back to something a little more manageable!
- Start the Astralathe When Ready: With the bees and vines cleared away, we should be able to use the Astralathe to repair Nona's fractured mind. All I have to do is startup the machine to begin the operation. I should make sure I'm mentally prepared before diving in.
- Perform in the Flea Circus: Nona is trapped inside the Flea Circus that Ford created. I need to disrupt the Ringmaster's games to release her!
- Complete the Balancing Course: Looks like I just need to roll a tennis ball up the ramp and hop it into the tube. After balancing on bowling balls in Ford's mind, a tennis ball should be a piece of cake!
- Brave the Wheel of Endangerment: I was always better than Frazie at throwing knives. I'm pretty sure I can pop those balloons without stabbing my Flea Dad.
- Halt the Carousel of Chaos: The Carousel of Chaos is out of control, and Flea Mirtala is trapped on it! I've got to find a way to slow it down, so she can hop off!
- Meet Nona on the High Dive: Nona seems to know the way out... I guess I should follow her up to the High Dive to learn her secret.
- Dive into the Teacup: If Nona can dive into that teacup, it should be easy for me, right? But what about the curse!?
- Navigate Nona's Quilt: Where did Nona and Ford fly off to? I gotta catch up to them!
- Navigate Nona's Quilt: It's good to know that my family wasn't under some sort of Astralathe hypnosis. I need to see more of Nona's memories... Where did those two fly off now?
- Calm Nona's Mind: Looks like Nona has a few regrets and other nagging issues. Let me see if I can quiet her mind a bit.
- Open Nona's Lost Locket: Ford wants me to open that big locket, so we can blast it with the Astralathe. I wonder what's in it?
- Talk to Lili: Truman pulled me out of Nona's mind! Ford is still trapped in there! I need to get back to him, but I can't with Truman here. Maybe there is something Lili and I can do to get him out of the way?
- Investigate Truman's Mind: Truman is acting strangely, Lili and I should find out what is wrong.
- Search the Room: There's got to be some clue in this room to explain why Truman is acting so weird...
- Follow Gristol: Nick is Gzesarevich Gristol Malik?! How did the missing heir to the Grulovian throne become our mailman?! And what did he do to Truman's brain?! We have to catch him and find out what's going on here!!
- Talk to the Ride Operator: Gristol is on that ride. We need to be on it too if we're going to catch him!
- Appear Taller: Hmm... we can't just get bigger, but maybe I can do something to make it SEEM like we are?
- Board the Ride: Ha! Now we're tall enough. Let's talk to that Ride Operator and get this show on the road!
- Fix the Electrical Problem: It looks like there's an electrical malfunction with the ride. I need to figure out a way to get up into the rafters, and get to that fuse box to fix it...
- Get Back on the Ride: The electrical problem is fixed. I should get back to the ride while Lili gets it started back up.
- Get Back on the Ride: Lili got the ride started again. Now let's find Gristol.
- Find a Luxurious Egg: I need to find a fancy egg to drop into that egg cup in the Treasure Room.
- Search the Dioramas: That propagandaneer said something about the best eggs being in the ocean. Hey... didn't that Gzar story say something about an ocean?
- Talk to Gristol: This looks like Gristol in the past... I wonder why he looks so sad? I guess I should talk to him to find out.
- Roll the Egg Back: I got a big fancy egg! Now I need to roll it back somehow...
- Put the Egg in the Cup: I need to roll this fancy egg over to the Treasure Room, and put it in the egg cup.
- Get Back on the Ride: Alright, let's get out of here! Back to the ride!
- Return to the Ride: Where am I?! I've got to find my way back to the ride somehow...
- Finish the Ride: Sheesh! This ride is long enough. I'm definitely getting my money's worth. PLEASE be the end.
- Exit Through the Gift Shop: C'mon, Gristol. Do you really think I want a souvenir from your brain? You'd better be in this gift shop...
- Free Lili: Lili is stuck behind that fan! I've got to get her out of there!
- Get Help from My Family: I can't get to Maligula alone, I need to return to the Questionable Area and get help!
- Save Lucrecia!: There must be a way to separate Lucrecia from her inner darkness and defeat Maligula!
- Continue exploring mental and physical worlds!: I'm an official Psychonaut! Well, Junior Psychonaut. Take that mail room! Time to make my own adventure!