Psychonauts Wiki

Reception Area

The Reception Area is an area found in Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp in Psychonauts. It is where the camp's main campfire is located, as well as where "Janitor" Cruller can be found outside of his trailer home. Of particular note is that the area surrounding the main campfire is lit by seven torches bearing carved likenesses of the Psychic Six, though one of the torches, depicting Ford Cruller, is broken and his name is unreadable.


The reception area is first seen in the opening cutscene of the game. Coach Oleander gives a presentation to the Whispering Rock campers to kick off the summer camp and introduce Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello. Just then, Raz appears, having snuck into the camp in hopes of receiving training to become a Psychonaut. Raz briefly causes a panic among the campers, but is apprehended by the camp counselors. His determination does convince Oleander to let him stay at least temporarily.

Points of Interest[]

  • The Campfire: Area characteristically made only with the mere purpose to greet all the new campers to Whispering Rock. The area contains logs where campers can sit on, part of a big and thick tree has been modified in its structure to give the impression of a stage and seven torches with the carving pictures of the founders of the Psychonauts are stationed too.
  • Janitors’ Trailer House: Smaller yet unique portion of the Reception Area: said trailer house is on top of a middle-sized rock and it even has its own set of stairs to reach it. At the right side of the rock Janitor Cruller resides on a wooden platform that constantly is mopping and, below this platform many buckets are stacked.

Psychonauts 2[]

The reception area makes another appearance in Psychonauts 2, as the first thing Raz encounters in Ford Cruller's mind is a mental version of the campfire area, surrounded by dense woods and fences that make it impossible to revisit the rest of the camp. An opening in a large tree in the area leads directly to a lake with a canoe. This mental campfire area has no collectibles.

Scavenger Hunt Collectibles[]

  • Cherry Wood Pipe: Behind the spiral mountain that has three logs accumulated, the item it’s located near a crashed truck that has slowly been consumed by the nature (said elements are on the left side of the boardwalks that leads to the GPC).
  • Fertility Idol: Nearby Cruller’s trailer home, in the woods where a PSI-Bear can be seen wondering around: Raz must look out for the beehive which has the collectible (requires Marksmanship/PSI-Blast to grab it).
  • Dinosaur Bone: The bone is located at the very top of a giant dry tree with a small fire-pit alongside (requires Levitation to make it through the top).
  • Condor Egg: the first way of reaching the wooden pillar where it has the egg is via entering a cave (which has a PSI-Bear so careful), rail your way through some teared up minecart rails and before the end of it jump or double jump to land and catch the item. The other way is jumping from the giant tree and gliding with PSI-Float until reaching the pillar.

PSI Cards[]

All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open)
1.– When you come into this area from the main campgrounds, go straight ahead when you pass through the campfire location. Walk a little bit along the path and then jump over the fence on the left side to find this card in between trees and rocks.

2.– Continue up through the trees from where you found the last card. You should come to a tiny little graveyard with a couple headstones. Behind one of them is this card.

3.– Directly in front of the mine entrance near the building Cruller is at.

4.– Go into the mines and you will find this card in there.

5.– This card is in the mines as well.

6.– Once you near the end of the mines, there are a couple tracks that go over the edge. This card is on the right track.

7.– Before grinding along the tracks, jump above the mines exit to find this card on top of a rock.

8.– Grind along the left track at the end of the mind to obtain this card.

9.– Levitation is required to obtain this card. Return back to the structure where Cruller is. Nearby is a tree with a tightrope attached to it. Levitate jump up on the tightrope to find this card there.

10.– Continue across the tightrope to find this card past a tree.

11.– Go through the swamp and you should see a nearby rock formation. Climb to the top of the large rock to find this card.

12.– Levitation is required to obtain this card. From the top of the rock formation, levitate jump and psi float over to this card on top of a tower over the swamp.

13.– There is another rock formation near a large tree near Cruller's location. Scale this one to reach another card.

14.– Levitation is required to obtain this card. Jump to the first branch of the large tree to find this card.

15.– From the previous card, turn towards Cruller's location and you should see this card on a nearby rock. Climb the rock to get the card.

16.– Levitation is required to obtain this card. Turn back around and go a little ways away from Cruller. Levitate up on top of the nearby support to get this card.

17.– Continue on and climb the large set of rocks. Cross over the river and jump on top of the high rock to reach this card.

18.– Overlooking the swamp is a large tree with a car in its trunk. This card is directly in front of it.

19.– From the previous card, turn away from the tree to see the card on a ledge across the swamp below. Jump over the swamp to reach this.

20.– Next to the GPC and Wilderness entrance, you should see a large formation with a path spiraling around it. Reach the top to find this card up there.

21.– In the swampy river, follow it around until you find the waterfall. The last card in this area resides behind this waterfall.

Information obtained from this GameFAQs page.

PSI Challenge Marker[]

  • Find the large tree and look away from Cruller's location. Off to the left just a little bit away, there is an alcove leading to a sealed off mine. The challenge marker is at the entrance to this mine.[1]


Psychics Often Found[]

Before Basic Braining[]

During the Events of Basic Braining to Milla's Dance Party[]

After Recranializing Campers[]

  • Clem Foote
  • Crystal Flowers Snagrash
  • "Janitor" Ford Cruller


  • Bob Zanotto's name is misspelled as "Bob Zanatto" on the torch bearing his portrait.
  • Ford Cruller's torch is unreadable in Psychonauts, as the log it's carved out of itself was broken. A backer-exclusive trailer released a few days before the release of Psychonauts 2 reveals that it was broken by Ford himself during a fit of emotional turmoil, and that he prefers to keep it that way in light of what happened in the past.[2]
  • If the player presses the interact/use button while standing on the campfire's stage in Psychonauts, Razputin will recite Coach Oleander's entire speech from the intro of the game.
  • In Psychonauts 2, Razputin mentions that Ford Cruller himself was the one who carved the portraits of the Psychic Six in the torches.


  1. Information comes from the guide of GameFAQs.