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It is quite common for people to describe their feelings of regret as a weight or heaviness that they are carrying around. This weight is one that hinders their ability to move forward and leaves them with a sense that they are stuck, vacillating in time and space.

–Rachel Kowert PhD description in The Art of Psychonauts 2.

Weighs you down

–Raz's notes

Regrets are mental figures that can potentially be found in any mental world, and serve as recurring minor enemies in Psychonauts 2. They are simple manifestations of a person's regrets and; they tend to appear with much frequency the more actual regrets their host possesses. Those whose regrets causes them a strong feeling of sadness or even high amount of guilt has a different type known as the Deep Regrets.

Varieties of Regrets[]


The normal variant seen for most mental worlds from the first half of the game. They first appear at Loboto's Labyrinth which Sasha Nein describes them as a sign of Dr. Loboto actually cooperating with his mission but also another sign of Loboto not being entirely fond with his doing. While described as extremely dangerous, these Regrets are frankly weak and they require to be on larger groups of enemies to put on a fight through air.

Deep Regrets[]

All minds from the residing people in Green Needle Gulch shows these more evolved variants which are indeed extremely dangerous like Sasha said. While the base Regrets carry a typical weight with their name engraved into it, Deep Regrets hold a spiked kettle bell as well with their full names engraved in it; said object instead of a basic shockwave, releases a huge explosion that can deal a good amount of damage. The appearances they have in certain areas of the minds of Bob, Cassie and Lucrecia are mostly related to either the events happened in The Battle of Grulovia or personal past traumas.


Regrets resemble sickly-looking fairies with a very wide, flat head. Their arms are very lanky compared to their short bodies, appearing stretched by the mass of the large metal weights they usually carry, which have the word "Regret" stamped on the front. Regular Regrets are green, with curly purple hair, fuchsia-tinted clothing, and orange gloves. Deep Regrets, meanwhile, are blue with orange hair, green clothing, and teal gloves. Their weights are spiked and appropriately labeled "Deep Regret". During the events of PSI King's Sensorium, Raz encounters some Regrets at the Ear Hand Shrine having a "Cranberry" color skin, kind of greyish brown hair and a type of blue colored eyes along a dark green clothing of the style (their weight funnily enough doesn’t receive a change of colors aside from having the same cel-shading effect as the rest of the enemies).


Regrets attack by trying to drop their weights onto Raz. Weights dropped causes a shockwave. Deep Regrets drop shock bombs that have a bigger blast radius, can shock Raz, and damage more. In any case where a Regret looses its payload, it will try to fly away and generate a new payload and attempt to drop it again.

Regrets are very fragile, and can be taken out with a single PSI-Blast, while Deep Regrets will take a couple more shots. Damaging a Regret in any way or getting under it will force the Regret to drop its payload, damaging enemies that were near it. Alternatively, Raz can use Telekinesis to take the payload out of their hands and throw it back at them, though this will leave Raz open while tugging. Raz can also throw the payload to other enemies if he chooses to. Throwing a payload deals high damage in a small impact zone (even more damage and a bigger radius if it's a shock bomb), which is enough to instantly defeat a Regret or do massive damage to other enemies in the vicinity.


  • Before Psychonauts 2's release, Regrets seemingly used to be called "Doubts" and vice-versa. The names were apparently swapped at some point during development to more accurately fit the metaphors they depict.
  • Using Clairvoyance on them reveals Raz as a flattened version of himself.
  • The only mental worlds in which Regrets are absent are Hollis' Mind, Strike City and Fatherland Follies.
    • Hollis case could imply that she moved on from the whole thing related with tempering with Dr. Potts, Ford’s case might have to do with his memory of his first date with lucy feeling bittersweet but one he doesn’t regret and lastly, Gristol could imply that he can’t see any wrong on how he was when living as a royal figure in Grulovia.
  • Besides censors, this is the only enemy to present an evolved/upgraded version