Psychonauts Wiki

Sam Boole

Pssh. No one's getting sick from my pancakes. Unless one of you jerks didn't wash their hands.

–Sam to a group of wild animals

Samantha[1] "Sam" Boole is a Junior Psychonaut and former Psychonaut intern stationed at the Motherlobe. She is Dogen's older sister and Compton's granddaughter.


Sam is very short. She has orange hair with green tinted skin and rosy cheeks. She wears a white shirt with a printed pink rose pattern that falls to her shoulders. Her bra straps are black. She wears a black belt with a gold buckle. Her skirt is brown and her boots are black with mustard outsoles.


Sam, much like her brother, is very air-headed, often not paying attention during important moments or understanding the gravity of a situation. However, she is also very friendly, showing kindness to Raz and even baking treats for the other interns. Like Dogen and her grandfather, she has a special connection to animals, particularly whales. Unlike Dogen and Compton, however, she is very bossy towards them.


Sam first appears in the Motherlobe intern wing with the rest of the Psychonaut interns. She goes along with Norma's mean-spirited prank to steal Raz's clothes and lock him in the storage room. After Raz escapes the storage room, he can find her tapping on the glass in the Aquarium.

Sam later joins the rest of the interns in Hollis' classroom and encourages Raz to change Hollis' mind using mental connection. She goes on the casino mission with the rest of the crew. She summons her pet Whale, Esmeralda, to serve as a trampoline for Raz during the mission.

Sam gets captured by the Lady Luctopus during Hollis' Hostreak along with her fellow interns and is saved by Raz. After the mission, she can be found making pancakes at the Lumberstack Diner.

Sam later accompanies the interns in fighting Maligula. She summons a mental representation of Esmeralda in the battle, but is soon kicked out of her mind. After Nona is calmed down, Sam receives a promotion to Junior Psychonaut along with the rest of the interns. After the graduation ceremony she returns to the Lumberstack Diner.


Compton Boole[]

Compton is Sam's grandfather. She thinks of him as nice, albeit weird.

Sam's parents[]

Dogen briefly mentions his unnamed parents in Psychonauts, which would also be Sam's parents. Sam herself also mentions her mother, who supposedly taught her to make pancakes (if her tale of being in prison is incorrect.)

Dogen Boole[]

Dogen is Sam's younger brother. She loves him very much, and believes that he's never "blown up" anyone that didn't deserve it.

Hollis Forsythe[]

Hollis Forsythe is Sam's teacher at the Motherlobe.

Coach Oleander[]

Coach Oleander is Sam's internship instructor. He's shown to not give her much attention, and simply has her make pancakes to use as plating for one of his machines, unaware of her terrifying approach towards animals. Sam spends much of her time making pancakes for the Coach during the game, using dubious ingredients, blissfully unaware of his disinterest in the internship.

Razputin Aquato[]

Razputin is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe. She's seems to like Raz, being one of the first interns to warm up to him. Raz generally likes Sam as well, but is somewhat disturbed by her behavior towards animals.

Lizzie Natividad[]

Lizzie is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Gisu Nerumen[]

Gisu is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Adam Joseph Gette[]

Adam is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Norma Natividad[]

Norma is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.

Morris Martinez[]

Morris is Sam's fellow Junior Psychonaut at the Motherlobe.



  • Sam can speak very clearly to whales.
  • Upon using Clairvoyance on Sam, it's revealed that she sees Raz as a squirrel.
    • Sam is the only intern whose perception of Raz does not change.
  • Sam wants to become a pet therapist.
  • Sam's voice actress, Kate Higgins has voiced many notable characters in games and animations.
    • She was the voice actor for Tails from the Sonic franchise between 2010 and 2013. She has also voice Wave the Swallow.
    • She is the current voice actor for the Mario character Pauline.
    • She has been the voice actor for Disney's Princess Aurora since 2010.
    • She is the English voice actor for the Naruto character Sakura Haruno.
    • She voiced Scarlet Witch for the TV series Wolverine and the X-Men.
    • She is the English voice actor for Sailor Mercury in Sailor Moon Crystal.
  • According to Sam, if someone dies inside a mental world, they'll "pee their pants".
  • When asked where she learned to make pancakes, she quickly replies "prison", but quickly brushes this off.


  1. First name discovered in a cut audio.