–-Raz, if the player attempts to show the button to Milla Vodello (using cheats)
Sasha's Button is an item in Psychonauts. It is used to open the secret door to Sasha's secret lab under the Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber. Even though Razputin holds this button for only a short while, almost every character at camp has something to say about it.
After completing Basic Braining, Sasha Nein approaches Razputin, inviting him to participate in special training. He hands him a red button, and gives him a hint to find his lab: "Sometimes isolation can be a good thing...it can lead to important discoveries."
In the Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber, Raz notices one of the pillows is missing a button. Putting this one in that spot opens up a trapdoor that leads directly to Sasha's lab.
Character reactions[]
Some characters will have a unique reaction to being shown the button.
Coach Oleander[]
(Raz): "Do you know where this button is from, Coach?"
- (Coach): "Hey, you stole a button from the Geodesic Spychoisolation Chamber!"
- (Raz): "No I didn't! I -- Bobby Zilch gave it to me!"
- (Coach): "Shoulda known. That kid spends more time in the cooler than in school. Reminds me of myself when I was his age. Well, go put it back!"
- (Raz): "Yes sir! Hey Coach, where IS the G..."
- (Coach): "Don't you know how to use your map?"
- (Raz): "Right! Yes! Sorry!"
- (Coach): "Don't you know how to use your map?"
- (Raz): "Yes sir! Hey Coach, where IS the G..."
- (Coach): "Shoulda known. That kid spends more time in the cooler than in school. Reminds me of myself when I was his age. Well, go put it back!"
- (Raz): "No I didn't! I -- Bobby Zilch gave it to me!"
- (Raz): "Hey, if you have one of these buttons too we could play tiddlywinks."
- (Coach): "If I had one of those buttons, I could kill you with it in six seconds."
- (Raz): "Right! Yes! Sorry!"
- (Coach): "If I had one of those buttons, I could kill you with it in six seconds."
- (Raz): "Hey did you hear that Coach? I'm gonna get advanced training from Sasha Nein himself!"
- (Coach): "Hey, hey! You stay away from that egghead, you hear me?"
- (Raz): "Egghead? Permission to speak freely, sir."
- (Coach): "Denied. Listen, Private, those scientific jokers, they don't know what it really means to be a Psychonaut. It's about being the field. Not cooped up in some underground lab all day."
- (Raz): "It's underground? Ah ha!"
- (Coach): "Don't even think it! That Brain Tumbler contraption of his will turn your mind to mush! I need that brain! I mean, YOU need that brain. Now, dismissed soldier. I've got some serious thinking to do. Lots of important planning!"
- (Raz): "What kind of planning?"
- (Coach): "Huh? What?"
- (Raz): "What kind of planning are you doing there? In your sleep?"
- (Coach): "Hey, never assume a soldier is sleeping just because his eyes are closed. Trust me. That tip could save your life someday."
- (Raz): "But--"
- (Coach): "DISMISSED!"
- (Raz): "But--"
- (Coach): "Hey, never assume a soldier is sleeping just because his eyes are closed. Trust me. That tip could save your life someday."
- (Raz): "What kind of planning are you doing there? In your sleep?"
- (Coach): "Huh? What?"
- (Raz): "What kind of planning?"
- (Coach): "Don't even think it! That Brain Tumbler contraption of his will turn your mind to mush! I need that brain! I mean, YOU need that brain. Now, dismissed soldier. I've got some serious thinking to do. Lots of important planning!"
- (Raz): "It's underground? Ah ha!"
- (Coach): "Denied. Listen, Private, those scientific jokers, they don't know what it really means to be a Psychonaut. It's about being the field. Not cooped up in some underground lab all day."
- (Raz): "Egghead? Permission to speak freely, sir."
- (Coach): "Hey, hey! You stay away from that egghead, you hear me?"
Milla Vodello[]
(Raz): "No, I don't want to lose this button. I might not get into Sasha's secret lab without it."
Bobby Zilch and Benny "The Nose" Fidelo:
(Raz): "Hey, check out this weird button!"
- (Bobby): "Gah! No! Don't put me back in there! Please! I'll be good!"
- (Benny): "Hey boss! Boss! What's wrong?"
- (Bobby): "Uh, nothing. It's just, that button reminds me of a bad place. That's all."
- (Benny): "You heard the man. Get that button outta here!"
- (Bobby): "Uh, nothing. It's just, that button reminds me of a bad place. That's all."
- (Benny): "Hey boss! Boss! What's wrong?"
(Raz): "Hey, look, Chloe. I found a tiny, red space ship."
- (Chloe): "Nice fake Trynaxian Cruiser, Raz. But if you'd even done basic research, you'd know that real Trynaxian Cruisers have SIX viewports at the top, not four."
- (Raz): "Well I guess you just haven't seen THIS YEAR'S Trynaxian Cruiser then."
- (Chloe): "The Trynaxian galaxy exploded 400 years ago."
- (Raz): "Oh my god. This must be really valuable then."
- (Chloe): "The Trynaxian galaxy exploded 400 years ago."
- (Raz): "Well I guess you just haven't seen THIS YEAR'S Trynaxian Cruiser then."
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind and James "J.T." Hoofburger:
(Raz): "Hey, I brought you a new guitar pick. Look."
- (James): "Aw, quit foolin'. That's just a button you took from the GPC across the creek."
- (Melvin): "Probably radioactive."
- (James): "Dang! Git that outta here!"
- (Melvin): "Probably radioactive."
Crystal Flowers Snagrash and Clem Foote:
(Raz): "Hey, I'll bet you can't write a cheer for this red button."
- (Clem): "Wanna bet?"
- (Crystal): "You're on!"
- (Clem): "Red button is the best!"
- (Crystal): "It fastens up my vest!"
- (Clem): "If it breaks like the rest,"
- (Crystal): "The boys will see my chest!"
- (Clem): "Yeah! Woo! Go Raz! Woo-hoo!"
- (Crystal): "The boys will see my chest!"
- (Clem): "If it breaks like the rest,"
- (Crystal): "It fastens up my vest!"
- (Clem): "Red button is the best!"
- (Crystal): "You're on!"
Elka Doom and Dogen Boole:
(Raz): "Hey, look at this button I found on Nils' bunk. It looks like it came off a girl's dress."
- (Elka): "(Gasp!) I don't care."
- (Raz): "Looks like it was just torn off by force!"
- (Elka): "I don't care."
- (Raz): "It's got little teeth marks on it."
- (Dogen): "Nils kisses girls on the mouth and likes it."
- (Elka): "Why don't you just take off your hat and kill me, Dogen?"
- (Dogen): "I dunno."
- (Elka): "Why don't you just take off your hat and kill me, Dogen?"
- (Dogen): "Nils kisses girls on the mouth and likes it."
- (Raz): "It's got little teeth marks on it."
- (Elka): "I don't care."
- (Raz): "Looks like it was just torn off by force!"
(Raz): "Elton. Ask if any of them have lost a big red button."
- (Elton): "Shhhh! I'm trying to hear them talk!"
Kitty Bubai and Franke Athens:
(Raz): "Hey, look. I got a button. Can I join your little craft club?"
- (Kitty): "Hey, look! My Dad's poor and I was raised in the circus. Can I join the Psychonauts?"
- (Raz): "Hey!"
- (Franke): "Dang, Kitty. You're the best."
- (Raz): "Hey!"
(Raz): "Hey, look. I got a button. Everybody says you suck."
- (Kitty): "Just ignore him, Franke."
(Raz): "Hey, Lili. Do you know where Sasha Nein's secret lab is?"
- (Lili): "Secret? It's printed on your map, duh!"
- (Raz): "Oh, I knew that. I was just curious if YOU knew where Sasha Nein's lab was. Because I do."
- (Lili): "Uh-huh. Look at those two. Who'd even want a stupid friendship bracelet?"
- (Raz): "I don't know. I wouldn't mind one."
- (Lili): "Yeah, well... that's... stupid!"
- (Raz): "Want to measure my wrist? Just in case."
- (Lili): "Mm, no."
- (Raz): "Hey, if you were going to make a friendship bracelet, you could maybe use this button here."
- (Lili): "Why? So you could unbutton it and take it off when you got tired of being friends with me?"
- Who said you were making it for me?"
- (Lili): "Uhhh-- You know, if you were going to shut up, you could use that button your lip. How about that?"
- (Raz): "Jeez."
- (Lili): "Uhhh-- You know, if you were going to shut up, you could use that button your lip. How about that?"
- Who said you were making it for me?"
- (Lili): "Why? So you could unbutton it and take it off when you got tired of being friends with me?"
- (Raz): "Hey, if you were going to make a friendship bracelet, you could maybe use this button here."
- (Lili): "Mm, no."
- (Raz): "Want to measure my wrist? Just in case."
- (Lili): "Yeah, well... that's... stupid!"
- (Raz): "I don't know. I wouldn't mind one."
- (Lili): "Uh-huh. Look at those two. Who'd even want a stupid friendship bracelet?"
- (Raz): "Oh, I knew that. I was just curious if YOU knew where Sasha Nein's lab was. Because I do."
(Cannot be shown the button)
(Raz): "Hey, I got this button from Sasha Nein, and I have to give it back. Do you know where his secret lab is?"
- (Mikhail): "Do not know. Why not ask foxy girlfriend over there?"
- (Raz): "Again with the girlfriend thing. Listen--"
- (Mikhail): "Hey, just kidding. Mikhail know women good for only one thing! WRESTLING. Unless have skinny arms like your girlfriend. Then out of luck."
- (Raz): "Again with the girlfriend thing. Listen--"
(Cannot be shown the button)
(Raz): "I think this button is a clue to the location of Sasha Nein's secret lab."
- (Nils): "Really? Hang on. I'll use my Clairvoyance on it to see if he's got any ladies in there. Nope. Just Maloof. And he's crying. I've heard that's what happens to kids who go for Sasha's advanced training too early."
Quentin Hedgemouse and Phoebe Love:
(Raz): "Hey, just pretend this a lighter. It's red. Pretty inspiring, eh?"
(Raz): "This button look familiar to you?"
- (Vernon): "Oh man, that's from the Geodesic Psychoisolation Chamber. That reminds me of this time I was stuck in there for three days straight. The first ten minutes weren't bad, but then the second five were pretty scary. I was delirious for the three after that. And--"
- (Raz): "Hey, I think I see Elka over there!"
- (Vernon): "Where?"
- (Raz): "Hey, I think I see Elka over there!"
Ford Cruller[]
Agent Cruller
- (Raz): "Hey, Sasha gave me this button and told me to come see him for special training."
- (Cruller): "In what? Sewing? Hahaha!"
Chef Cruller
- (Raz): "What can I buy with this button?"
- (Cruller): "We only take arrowheads here, kid. 100% pure Psitanium arrowheads. Squeezed from the ground like magical pimples popped out of Mother Earth's own back."
- (Raz): "Ew."
- (Cruller): "We only take arrowheads here, kid. 100% pure Psitanium arrowheads. Squeezed from the ground like magical pimples popped out of Mother Earth's own back."
Ranger Cruller
- (Raz): "Hey, do you know where this button belongs?"
- (Cruller): "I know where it DOESN'T belong. It doesn't belong HERE in these off-limit woods! Just like you. Now g-- Oh. Wait. That's from the GPC. It DOES belong down here is these off-limit woods. Hmmm. But you don't! So git!"
Janitor Cruller
- (Raz): "Hey, Mr. Cruller, do you know where Sasha Nein's lab is?"
- (Cruller): "What? Huh? Secret underground lab? I don't have a secret underground lab! That's hobgobberish! Now beat it. Git! Now stop staring at my mops!"
- (Raz): "So, you don't know where Sasha's lab is?"
- (Cruller): "I told you, I ain't got no secret lab! Oh, that German fella? Oh he's dug under the GPC over there."
- (Raz): "Where did you--"
- (Cruller): "Under the GPC! Maybe it's your ears I should be moppin'!"
- (Raz): "Where did you--"
- (Cruller): "I told you, I ain't got no secret lab! Oh, that German fella? Oh he's dug under the GPC over there."
- (Raz): "So, you don't know where Sasha's lab is?"
- (Cruller): "What? Huh? Secret underground lab? I don't have a secret underground lab! That's hobgobberish! Now beat it. Git! Now stop staring at my mops!"
Oarsman Cruller
- (Raz): "Okay, here's my oarsman badge."
- (Cruller): "I'm not THAT blind, you little rat. Now beat it until you get the real thing."
- The Big Red Button is a common trope in films, TV shows, and videogames. It refers to a large red button that is "just begging to be pushed". Psychonauts subverts this trope by using a literal four holed button instead of a push button.
- It seems as though Bobby has had a traumatic experience inside the GPC himself, because when shown Sasha's button, which came from the GPC, he becomes hysterical.