Psychonauts Wiki

Shaky Claim
100 Years Ago: Prospectors and settlers took over the area, naming their boom town, "Shaky Claim"

–History tree

Shaky Claim was a town founded a hundred years before the events of the first Psychonauts game. Due to being used as a burial ground for native inhabitants' arrowheads, the soil on which the town was built was unusually high in Psitanium, and exposure to the mineral started destabilizing the minds of its new residents about one year after its founding. 24 years later, and after numerous cases of so-called "Paranormal Hysteria" in the area, Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed was built to host those afflicted. This did not solve the problem, and the Psitanium's effects spread to the majority of the population, resulting in more residents in the Asylum than in the town.

45 years after the town's founding, its remaining inhabitants were finally paid to evacuate. The valley was then flooded, creating Lake Oblongata. Shaky Claim now lies in ruin at the bottom of the lake and has become the Lair of the Lungfish.


  • The town's history can be read on the cut-down tree in the middle of the parking lot at Whispering Rock.
  • At the beach, if you stand around listening to Elton communicating with the lake's fish, the town eventually comes up. Elton reacts to this with confusion, as he doesn't know of any ghost towns nearby.
  • One of the submerged buildings has a sign identifying it as the "Shaky Claim Nail Factory", which explains the crates of nails littered around the area and used during the boss fight against Linda.