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Psychonauts Wiki


I tell ya, I have been waiting for someone to come visit for a LONG time.


Terryl is a psychonaut stationed at the Motherlobe. She works as the receptionist of the Psychoisolation facility in The Quarry.


Terryl has yellow skin, pink lips, blue hair, and brown eyes. Her hair is styled up in a bun.


As the receptionist at Psychoisolation, Terryl usually finds herself lonely and isolated from the Motherlobe, fearing that she has been forgotten by her colleagues. As such, she tends to loudly greet any potential visitors, hoping that they pay attention to her.


Compton Boole[]

During the main game, Compton is the only person committed to Psychoisolation, and thus the only one under Terryl's supervision. According to Terryl herself, Compton finds her "overwhelming", something that she seemingly dismisses as ridiculous. She is also afraid of Compton's out-of-control blastokinesis, warning any visitors to not ask him too many questions.


Since Lizzie is Compton's mentee, Terryl sometimes sees her visiting him. Even though she's desperate for someone to talk to, she hasn't attempted to talk to Lizzie, as she claims to be scared of the intern, describing her as looking like a "blue scarecrow".

Razputin Aquato[]

Unlike Lizzie, Terryl thinks of Raz as "nice", so she has no problem greeting and having a conversation with him. Raz, however, appears to find her weird and overbearing due to her talkativeness.  


  • (When grabbed by Telekinesis): "Ooh, is this a hint? I don't get it."
  • (When hit): "Hey! Is your name "Jerkface"? Because you seem like a "Jerkface" to me."

Psychic Powers[]

  • Levitation: while Terryl has never shown any psychic abilities, it is likely she is able to levitate, as it seems to be the only way to the Psychoisolation.


  • One of her guesses for Raz's name was d'Artagnan, which was the name of the protagonist of Psychonauts before Raz replaced them.
    • Two more of Terryl's guesses, "Finn" and "Angus", are names that can also be found in the Li-Po Backstory Document as possible names for the protagonist. Meanwhile, "Eagle" and "Rock" are Coach Oleander's brothers' names in the same document.