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Not to be confused with the Grulovian war.

The Battle of Grulovia, sometimes referred to as the Deluge of Grulovia, was a battle between the Psychic Six and Maligula, the Deluge of Grulovia.


An unknown amount of time before the Battle of Grulovia, Grulovia was attacked by an unnamed neighbouring country. Lucrecia Mux, a native Grulovian, heard of her motherland's turmoil and decided to return, to help or to protect her family, such as her sister Marona. Ford Cruller, aware that the experiments he and the rest of the Psychic Six had been undertaking left them dangerously vulnerable to emotional and psychic disturbances, begged her not to go, but Lucrecia left before she could stabilise.

In Grulovia, Lucrecia protected young Gristol Malik, son of Gzar Theodore, from an ambush by enemy soldiers. Both as a reward for her help, and to make use of her powerful hydrokinesis, the Gzar named Lucrecia Mux his new Minister of War. Lucrecia's hydrokinesis turned the tides of war, and peace returned for a while. However, the people of Grulovia lived in povery and devastastion, whilst the Gzar indulged a life of luxury. Protests soon followed, and the Gzar demanded Lucrecia suppress the growing unrest. This earned Lucrecia her new name among the people of Grulovia - Maligula.

At one particularly stubborn protest, Maligula summoned heavy rains. They failed to deter the protestors - but they overfilled a nearby dam, causing it to burst. The accident unleashed flood waters that drowned an unknown number of peaceful protestors, including Lurecia's sister, Marona Galochio. Lucrecia's experiences in the war had already further weakened her psyche; the accidental death of her sister at her own hands broke her. The ancient impulse to fight, her primal lust for destruction took over, and she became Maligula, the Deluge of Grulovia. Existing for nothing but wanton destruction, she ravaged the country; even the Gzar fled her wrath. Ultimately, the Psychonauts were called to Grulovia, both to end the threat of the villain Maligula had become, and to attempt and recover their friend, Lucrecia.

Accounts vary as to what happened during the Battle of Grulovia. Sam Boole claims that her grandfather Comptom summoned an army of animals to help; a memory in Helmut Fullbear's mind states that this was futile. Both Helmut Fullbear and Cassie O'Pia attempted to appeal to Lucrecia, inside Maligula, with limited success. Ultimately, it was Ford Cruller that defeated Maligula. Contrary to the official version, however, Maligula did not die there. Instead, Ford brought her back to Green Needle Gulch, and used the Astralathe to seal Maligula deep inside Lucrecia's psyche. As he believed the world would never forgive Lucrecia for what she had done - altered mind or not - Ford implanted a false personality, causing Lucrecia to believe herself to be her sister, Marona. Ford also located Marona's orphaned son, Augustus Aquato, and sealed his memories of his mother's death, causing him to believe Lucrecia to be his mother. Reuniting "mother" and "son", Ford believe them to be safe, and stable. However, even if this act brought a measure of peace to both of them, Ford could not live with the knowledge of having forcibly altered two people's minds for his own selfish desire of keeping Lucrecia free. Overcome with guilt, Ford used to Astralathe to shatter his own psyche - burying all knowledge and memories of what he had done, even to himself.


