The Carpenter |
The Carpenter is a game piece character from Waterloo World. Aside from being one of the first allies to join forces with Fred Bonaparte, he helps Razputin Aquato in the game by building and repairing bridges.
When Razputin enters Fred Bonaparte’s mind in order to obtain the straightjacket, he ends up being forced to help Fred play a board game. In the board game, initially, Raz meets this carpenter who mistakes him for a burglar, then a ventriloquist. Before he does any wood work of any kind, Raz has to take care of whatever was on the carpenter's roof (this being a Memory Vault and ironically not the Strongarm Censor). Then throughout the rest of the level, Raz picks up this piece with Telekinesis like the others and moves it to repair the broken bridges.
Talks and speaks with a refined and chill attitude. He really loves his bridges, as he calls them "beautiful" and talks to them. He is not a good fighter; he knows if he moves anywhere near a soldier, he would get beaten. Despite his nice manners, he has a constant enemy which attempts to break into his house but fails miserably thanks to the constant fire coming out of his chimney.
- (Initial Conversation): "Go away, burglar!"
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Listen, I know you’re a burglar. I’ve been listening to your footsteps on my roof all night, trying to break in. Why don’t you just slide down the chimney? I got a nice fire going for you in here, Mr. Burglar!"
- (Following Dialogue 2): "Maybe you’re a ventriloquist."
- (Following Dialogue 3): "Maybe."
- (Alternate Conversation): "Well, I think you ventriloquist burglars usually walk across those ropes that are tied to my neighbor’s roof."
- (Following Dialogue 1): "You know, I should really take those down with all the burglars we have walking around…"
- (Showing him the Coin): "You can’t fool me by giving me money! I know you’re a burglar!"
- (Showing him the Musket): "Ah! A gun! And I was just starting to believe that you weren’t a burglar!"
- (Showing him the Fred’s Letter): "How about the burglar on my roof? Does he care about that?"
- (Burglar out Conversation): "Wow. You’re pretty tough for a ventriloquist."
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Okay, here I come."
- (Following Dialogue 2): "Just show me where there’s some wood to work on and I’ll go to town."
- (Attempt to move towards a French Soldier): "Oh, man. I would totally love to move over there but that soldier would kick my ass, and I’m not getting paid for that."
- (Using any offensive PSI-Powers into him): "Ow! Hey, whose side are you on?"
- (Direct Conversation): "How about you fly me over there?"
- (Following Dialogue 1): "My legs seem to be glued onto this base. Which is kind of weird."
- (After being called lazy by the first Peasant): "I heard that!"
- (Directly interacting with objects): "I only care about wood, and nails, and bridges."
- (Fixing the bridge): "Aw now who went and broke my beautiful bridge?"
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Don’t worry, darling. We’ll get you fixed up good as new in no time!"
- (Following Dialogue 2): "Man, I am GOOD. Mmm!"
- (Direct Conversation 2): "Yeah, I think I nailed that one."
- (Following Dialogue 1): "Haha! Carpenter joke!"
- (Using Confusion into him): "Oooh… ohhh…"