–A description in The Art of Psychonauts 2.
The Mailroom is an area inside the Motherlobe. The Psychonauts use it to process their incoming and outgoing mail. It was previously staffed by Ford Cruller, later run by Nick Johnsmith, and now currently run by Lori.
The mailroom is frankly vast, hundreds and hundreds of mailboxes around the area, from its entrance to the main core which has four chutes attached to the wall, a small office where all mail cards are supposed to be sorted and is where "Mail Clerk" Cruller and Lori reside mostly. In the plot this is where Raz has to go once Hollis Forsythe gives the little psychic a mentor; a bit disappointed yet without any option, Raz heads to the area and finds Lori attending all the constantly arriving mailboxes. After finishing his task of sending as much as possible mailing, Raz receives a large mailbox which upon exiting the area finds that Nick Johnsmith’s brainless body was inside of it.
After this event the main task of this area is to "fix" one of three aspects of Ford that were spread all over the Motherlobe, but, to do that Raz needs access to the office and for that he needs to give a brain to Nick so he can help the young boy. In the post-game, Lori takes the role of "Mail Clerk" Cruller and Raz can speak to her.
Points of Interest[]
- Mailroom Entrance: Many mailboxes aside, the area has a two sets of short stairs that leads to the insides of this place, a large screen with the text: "Lost package?? Come see Ford in the mailroom!!" and some conveyor belts at the top parts of the room. Before heading to the following areas, a large spinning fan which contains a collectible.
- Stamp Station: Mailroom’s office and a sub-area from the mailroom itself which is pretty small. it contains a laser and office printer, a desk with a lamp, two stamps and a typewriter, which, next to it includes two big mail bags. Strikingly enough, there’s a large sorting cabinet with plenty of letters in it.
- Delivery Packages Area: The main core of the mailroom; aside from the evident and huge amount of mailboxes and conveyor belts above, the area shines for its four large tube chutes attached to the wall that leads to different locations according to their symbolization. The packages sent from here are marked with red planet, green wrench, blue vial, or Orange brain (Psychonauts logo). Nick Johnsmith stays here for a certain amount of time until Helmut Fullbear’s brain is placed in Nick’s body and upon helping the man, he directs to the Green Needle Gulch.
PSI Cards[]
All PSI Cards and their locations. (Click expand to open) |
1.– When Raz first gets into the Mailroom, there is a PSI Challenge Card right in front of him right next to a box.
3.– In the sorting area of the Mailroom, you can jump on the nearby packages to get an easy PSI card. 4.– By platforming on a stack of boxes in the corridor before the main part of the room, you can access a narrow platform that cuts through the wall, giving you access to the various levels of catwalks above the mail-sorting room. 5.– Some conveyor belts distant from the past mentioned PSI Card. Being the one close to the mailroom office. Information obtained from this IGN page. |
PSI Challenge Marker[]
- Past the small area where Ford Cruller or Lori remain (depending on what point of the game It’s taking place), in the center of the room where the mail boxes are sent, there are multiple conveyor belts which features two psi cards and a challenge marker.
- Near a fast moving fan, there’s a door with a slot in it. This psi challenge marker can only be obtained in the post-game since it requires mental projection to bust open the door.
Supply Chest[]
- Found in the Mailroom. Complete the Brain in the Jar level to access the office and access the chest.[1]
Deep Inside the Mailroom.
Supply Chest Key[]
- Found in the Storage Locker, opposite from the exit on top of a vent.
- Found in the Mailroom. Use Time Bubble on the spinning fan.
- The set of cards placed on the ground of the mailroom office make the iconic spiral seen in literally all of the Psychonauts (series).
- Three letters distinguish since they’re addressed to Helmut, Cassie O'Pia and Ford himself. The one for Helmut says "Bottom of a Frozen Lake, Grulovia", Cassie’s says "Stuck in Honey, Green Needle Gulch", and lastly Ford’s letter says "General Delivery: Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp".
- ↑ Information comes from the guide of TheGamer.com