Note: Not to be confused with Boyd Cooper.
–Boyd Cooper
The Milkman was the alter-ego of Boyd Cooper. He was created by Coach Oleander to destroy Thorney Towers in case his plan to steal the camper's brains failed.
The Milkman has a very similar physical appearance to Boyd, albeit with a few slight differences. He wears a white milkman uniform with an accompanying black bow tie and has a clean shaven face. His skin color is a shade of orange instead of green, making him look much younger. He wears the same hat as normal Boyd, except colored white. He does not wear the copper sheriff star on his uniform. Both Boyd and The Milkman carry around a box of Molotov cocktails disguised as milk bottles.
–Boyd Cooper
Raz first encounters Boyd scribbling on the walls at the Asylum Gates. When Raz approaches, Boyd gasps and asks who Raz is working for, and responds with confusion when Raz states he's with the Psychonauts, saying it "Doesn't fit in at all". Boyd then refuses to answer Raz's question of who he himself works for, stating he is the guard of the Asylum and that he's been "fully trained." Boyd ignores Raz's pleas to open the gates, claiming that "the Milkman has the key", and theorizes the Milkman is "sleeping on the job" when Raz asks where he is located. Unable to obtain any straight answers, Raz decides to use his Psycho-Portal and obtain the information directly from his mind.
Within the Milkman Conspiracy (Boyd's mind), the Milkman is reportedly dead, but Boyd and the G-Men do not believe this and aggressively search for him. The Rainbow Squirts work against the G-men to obfuscate the Milkman's location and true purpose. In actuality, the Milkman is a personality implanted into Boyd's mind by Coach Oleander, meant to be activated when Oleander needs all evidence of what happened at the asylum destroyed. When Raz finds the body of the Milkman and defeats the Den Mother, the Milkman awakens, taking control of Boyd in the real world.
He rises in a beam of light from the vault he was contained in, then exits the Den Mother's house and throws molotov cocktail milk bottles at the approaching Censors and G-men, forcing Raz out of Boyd's mind during the resulting chaos. If Raz returns to Boyd's mind after the Milkman Conspiracy is completed, the Milkman will remain present at this location, throwing molotovsat approaching censors. If questioned by Raz about why he is trying to burn down the asylum, he will state that his employer has commissioned him to "whitewash what went on here" and that he cannot rest until he has made his "final delivery".
In the real world, after Fred asks if Boyd is ready to "blow this popsicle stand", Boyd throws the Molotov cocktail through a window, lighting the asylum on fire. Figments representing the Milkmen, the Den Mother, the Rainbow Squirts and the G-men then leave his body in a beam of light, presumably representing the subconscious orders Coach Oleander implanted in Boyd's mind being deactivated. Boyd finally states: "The Milkman has completed his route". He then turns to Fred, Gloria, and Edgar, enthusiastically asking if they want to split a cab.
Psychonauts 2[]
The Milkman appears briefly in the Psychonauts recap animation in Psychonauts 2.
- If Raz re enters Boyd’s mind after triggering his milkman persona, The Milkman can be seen lobbing his Molotov cocktails at censors as they leave the car they originally entered through. As he is doing so, he will occasionally utter any one of the following 4 lines:
“People gotta have their milk!”
“Milk will get warm! Milk is a drink best served Cold!”
“My milk is delicious!”
- Using Clairvoyance on the Milkman shows Raz as a milk bottle with a head.
- The Milkman does not see Raz as a threat and won't try to attack him. If he is attacked, however, he will simply remark “Nothing can distract me from the mission. I will not rest until I’ve delivered the milk.”
- Contrary to what the cutscene implies, the Milkman does not leave the body and can still be encountered in the level after the PoNR.
- If Raz talks to the Milkman, Raz will inquire why the Milkman is trying to burn down the Asylum, to which the latter responds: “I am the Milkman. My employer has commissioned me to deliver this milk to whitewash what went on here. I make sure that no evidence is left of anything except for milk. I cannot rest until I have made my final delivery.”
Concept Art and Promotional Materials[]
Art Assets[]
Psychonauts 2[]