The Moth |
And then they grow and grow and… cause so much pain. Here. Let me just take this somewhere safe!”
–The Moth to Razputin.
The moth is a mental figure in Bob’s Bottles and also an enemy, respectively in Psychonauts 2. It is the representation of Bob’s escapism into alcoholism and allegorically the suppression of his traumas (represented via the seeds which obviously the Moth attempts to burry in order to "prevent causing anymore pain to Bob"). Ultimately through out the events of the game it becomes clear that she’s the true antagonist of this mental world.
It’s smooth and sweet childish attitude towards Bob are meant to be supportive but in reality all this contrasts with it’s unorthodox methods and contempt towards others, specially Raz who is willing to help Bob face his own inner demons. The Moth works more as a type of Enabler, indirectly and sometimes directly making Bob cope from his traumas in such down bad ways to isolate himself from the world and specially from those who he had a close relation in the past by drowning himself with alcohol and even to an extreme of making drugs (shown in the introduction to the character and later implied after the reunion with Helmut’s brain inside nick’s body when perceiving the smell of mushrooms).
Like the name implies, the Moth is a literal, gigantic, greenish yellow moth, with bits of orange and detailed patterns that makes a big resemblance to Bob’s face (with part of the body looking like Bob’s nose and the small darkish dots on the wings resembling his eyes). Sometimes while flying leaves yellow sparkles and a wavy glowing stripe below its body.
At Tia’s Bottle of memories, past the first kitchen, right after passing through a fridge; Raz finds himself with the first seed he needs, but unfortunately The Moth takes it from him to prevent him getting harm even though said object looks completely harmless. After multiple platforming throughout the swamp and small chats with said Moth, the latter lures Raz into the ruined greenhouse by dumping the seed inside a drain and forcing Raz to get into the pit, only to face one of Bob’s Bad Moods. On each each bottle of memories the Moth appears to supposedly prevent Raz from harming Bob any more that he has already done by stealing the required seeds for the Bob and his garden, with unsuccessful attempt for the Moth.
Once Truheltia Memonstria reaches their most powerful form by becoming giant plants, formed of Bob’s traumas related to TIa, Truman and Helmut; The Moth arrives to cause more trouble by covering Bob into a cocoon and whining of Razputin destroying the "Peace" that the mind’s world had before. After half-liberating bob from his cocoonish prison the Moth joins the fight as a sort of support enemy by dropping tracks of confusion dust above the wild waves, but immediately returns to Bob once he frees himself, and attempts to pull him out of that fight to protect him from the danger (indirectly forcing him on ignoring and walking away on enduring his own traumas). In the end once the bosses are taken down, the Moth is forced to change its appearance to a cardboard and finally bob throws it off the way so he never sees that moth again.
While never directly fought in any way, the Moth works as a support allie for the boss of Truheltia Memonstria, placing some sort of dust in specific points from the waves. Moving away is an option but using PSI-Blast can do the trick too. If getting hit by this dust, Raz view will become distorted and his control will swap randomly.
Pink Bottle Island[]
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "Hey!"
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "Hold it right there!"
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "I wouldn’t want you to get hurt."
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "Oh, they always start out little, don’t they?"
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "And then they grow and grow and… cause so much pain."
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "Here. Let me just take this somewhere safe!"
- (Seed 1 Cutscene): "No! You don’t!"
- (Approaching The Moth quote 1): "I’m warning you. In a friendly way."
- (Approaching The Moth quote 2): "I’m starting to think you don’t trust my opinion about seeds."
- (Approaching The Moth quote 3): "Oh oh, you don’t wanna be near this thing!"
- (Approaching The Moth quote 4): "Okay! Next time I’m really going to hide this."
- (Bad Mood Cutscene): "Oh, yes. Only very bad things down there."
- (Bad Mood Cutscene): "Perfect place for this!"
- (Bad Mood Cutscene): "You’d better leave Bob’s memories alone."
Green Bottle Island[]
- (Seed 2 Cutscene A): "You’re welcome!"
- (Seed 2 Cutscene A): "For saving you from that time bomb."
- (Seed 2 Cutscene A): "Ah, but isn’t a seed just a bomb in slow motion?"
- (Seed 2 Cutscene B): "What seed? Oh, THAT thing? Oh, I dropped it in a river far away."
- (Seed 2 Cutscene B): "Hey! It’s not in there. NOT IN THERE, I said!"
Blue Bottle Island[]
- (Seed 3 Cutscene A): "What? What’s wrong? I wasn’t doing anything."
- (Seed 3 Cutscene A): "Ho Ho! Grab that what?"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene A): "Oh my god! I didn’t even see that! Let me grab that!"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene A): "Thanks for the tip!"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene B): "Hey, don’t get so close!"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene C): "You WHAT?"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene C): "You have no idea the harm you’ve done, do you?"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene C): "Time to get serious,"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene D): "I’m running out of places to hide this thing!"
- (Seed 3 Cutscene D): "Ooh, this is good. Nobody actually eats wedding cake, right?"
Truheltia Memonstria[]
- (Intro Cutscene): "I warned you and I warned you, but did you listen? No!"
- (Intro Cutscene): "But don’t worry, I’m here to protect you. AGAIN."
- (Intro Cutscene): "I’m protecting him!"
- (Intro Cutscene): "You’re about to find out!"
- (Phase 2 Cutscene): "Oh, now you’ve gone and put him into a BAD MOOD again!"
- (The Moth being hit quote 1): "Quit it!"
- (The Moth being hit quote 2): "Hey!"
- (The Moth being hit quote 3): "Oof!"
- (The Moth being hit quote 4): "Ouch!"
- (The Moth being hit quote 5): "Ow!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 1): "Ho ho ha ha ha!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 2): "Ow! ha ha ha!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 3): "Eh he he!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 4): "Ready to give up? No shame in quitting!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 5): "Take a hint and sail away forever!"
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 6): "THAT looked painful."
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 7): "Oh, did that hurt? I can help with that."
- (The Moth when Raz gets hurt quote 8): "Whoa, you are really INTO pain, aren’t ya?"
- (The Moth when an enemy gets defeated quote 1): "Hey, knock that off!"
- (The Moth when an enemy gets defeated quote 2): "Aghh… Everything was so nice here before you arrived."
- (The Moth when an enemy gets defeated quote 3): "You make it so hard for me to do my job."
- (The Moth when an enemy gets defeated quote 4): "You think you’re his friend but I’M his only friend."
- (The Moth when an enemy gets defeated quote 5): "If you really care about him, you’ll stop doing that."
- (Pre-phase 3 Cutscene): "It doesn’t need to hurt at all!"
- (Pre-phase 3 Cutscene): "Doesn’t need to hurt YOU, I mean."
- (Pre-phase 4 Cutscene): "Ugh!"
- (Pre-phase 4 Cutscene): "Come on! (struggling)"
- (Pre-phase 4 Cutscene): "It’s not (struggling) safe here!"
- (Pre-phase 4 Cutscene): "I’ll keep you safe!"
- (Pre-phase 4 Cutscene): "You won’t feel this at all!"