–Fred Bonaparte telling to Gloria that they can move out of the asylum.
Thorney Towers Home for the Disturbed was an abandoned mental asylum built on an island in Lake Oblongata off the shores of Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. It was destroyed in an explosion triggered by Boyd Cooper who tossed a molotov cocktail during a gas leak.
The asylum was founded 75 years before the events of Psychonauts by Houston Thorney, to house the disturbed population of Shaky Claim, who were driven mad by the underground Psitanium deposits.[1] Within fifteen years' time, Thorney Towers was more populated than the town itself. Houston, either driven insane by the Psitanium or by the huge responsibility of caring for so many patients, committed suicide by jumping off the highest tower. The asylum seems to have been built on a high point above the town, because when the government flooded the town to prevent further settlement, the asylum remained standing. Despite being abandoned, some of the residents still roam the grounds, though it is unknown if they were residents that refused to leave after being paid by the federal government, or if they were put there later by Dr. Loboto.

Razputin Aquato, next to one of the Jarred Brains.

The asylum going up in flames.
Thorney Towers is the second main setting of Psychonauts. Coach Oleander uses Thorney Towers as his base of operations for his plot to take over the world. Dr. Loboto's lab resides in the highest point of the Asylum.
The Asylum has fallen into disrepair and is hardly safe to inhabit - it's filled with rats and crumbling stairways long exposed to the elements. Even though the asylum was abandoned decades ago, some inmates still remain. The remaining inmates were unaware that the asylum was closed due to their deteriorating mental health. After Raz helps the ex-residents regain their sanity, he climbs to the top of the tower and defeats Dr. Loboto. Thorney Towers is subsequently destroyed by Boyd Cooper using Molotov milk bottles, the flames of which spread to Edgar Teglee's flammable art studio. The asylum was quickly burned down. It is unknown how the inmates fled the asylum, but it is certain that most managed to get out before the destruction. However, it is not known if inmate Crispin Whytehead managed to flee the tower in time with the other asylum members.
Psychonauts 2[]
A mental recreation of the top floor of Thorney Towers appears as the final area in Loboto's Labyrinth in Psychonauts 2.
Asylum Residents[]
Despite its desolated state, the place still has a couple of patients around.
The inmates featured in Psychonauts are:
- Boyd Cooper (inmate, former security guard)
- Gloria Von Gouton (inmate, former actress)
- Fred Bonaparte (inmate. former chief orderly)
- Edgar Teglee (inmate, painter, former school wrestler)
- Crispin Whytehead (inmate, chief orderly)
- Dr. Caligosto Loboto (mad scientist, inmate, former dentist)
- Sheegor (inmate, assistant)
- Houston Thorney (deceased founder)
- Mr. Pokeylope (pet)
- Linda (former assistant)
While not wide in variety as the summer camp, what it doesn’t have in species, it has it on the numbers of them. The crows are the second main type of animals seeing in this place, they’re specially seen in the entrance and the courtyard of the asylum. Rats are the most common animal in this place, specially the upper floors which is infested by them. Insects-wise, fireflies are seen at the garden and outside of the greenhouse.
The only two type of wildlife that aren’t from there but they’re visitors brough in there via other individuals are a turtle (Pokeylope/Sam) and a lungfish (Linda).
- Asylum Grounds: Consisting of the entrance of the asylum, the courtyard and the garden: this areas in conjunction form the outdoor plaza of this place. As a whole the grounds work as the hub, since it has an elevator to the lab of Dr. Loboto, the greenhouse has a hole to the inside of the building (the lower floors); which consequently has another elevator that on the other hand, leads to the upper floors.
- Asylum Lower Floors: The inside and core of the asylum. The area is on an extremely broken down state where majority of the roof is gone and debris has consumed a good portion of the ground. Fred and Crispin reside in the area along Edgar which; keeps himself inside his own room painting.
- Asylum Upper Floors: Past an ancient elevator from the lower floors, the area contains the very self hallways and patient rooms that used to be fully operational back on its early days. Now in the present this tower along the other two that can be seen from outside contain an abnormal quantity of mutated rats seeking for any food.
- The Lab of Dr. Loboto: On the tip of the middle tower, a metallic brain-shaped construction can be viewed from a close to a distant perspective. The area consist of two segments, a small chamber where the campers and two agents are/were kept, and the lab itself which has multiple artifacts and a prototype version in miniature of a Brain Tank.
General Collectibles[]
All Thorney Towers Location Items |
Note: The addition of deep arrowheads despite not being a forcefully needed item, is because unlike its normal variant this one cannot reappear.
Asylum Grounds— PSI Cards 4 Asylum Lower Floors— PSI Cards 4 Asylum Upper Floors— PSI Cards 16 The Lab of Dr. Loboto— PSI Cards 4 Total— PSI Cards 28 |
- The statue in the fountain in the middle of the Asylum courtyard is one of Houston Thorney, who is seemingly wearing 4 hats at once on his forked, branchlike hair.
- On top of the statue of Houston Thorney is the Gold Watch, a collectible item from the camp scavenger hunt.
- ↑ It is stated that Thorney Towers was founded 75 years ago on a stump in Whispering Rock.