–Augustus Aquato dialogue before giving all his power to Razputin.
The Two-Headed Dad Monster, is the thirteenth boss fight but most importantly the Final Boss of Psychonauts, fought in the Meat Circus. He is the fusion of the diabolical manifestations of Razputin's and Coach Oleander's fathers (Evil Augustus and The Butcher). Thanks to their fate with the giant meat grinder of the battle arena both ended in a mutilated mess of limbs sewn together which by consequent makes them move in a erratic manner and act much creepier than before.
from Old Psychopedia[]
"This twisted monstrosity is the grotesque amalgamation of Coach Oleander‘s and Raz‘s worst memories of their fathers, and the most horrific creature in all the Meat Circus - Quite possibly the entire game. Two heads, as they say, are better than one… FOR CHOPPING REBELLIOUS CHILDREN INTO A FINE RED MIST! The Two-Headed Dad Monster is indeed the worst of both worlds—pursuing with the Butcher‘s menacingly large meat cleavers and affinity for stomping anything that gets in his way, while parts of Raz’s evil dad, sticking out at odd angles, continue to lob flaming, spiked clubs at his progeny.
Sure, this colossal, two-headed brute acts tough when picking on little bunnies small enough to step on, but when confronted by someone of the same titanic proportions, he/they’ll cower behind their cleavers while you beat the holy-mental-hell out of them. If you only had just a bit more psychic energy to increase your stature…"
The two-headed dad monster presents a horribly gory but also mutilated appearance, presenting many parts of both dad‘s sewn together at random positions: an arm for the butcher and Augustus work as legs and most of the actual legs are located in higher parts of the large corpse. Despite the many deformations this monster still features the tallness of the original butcher and even some parts of the evil version of Augustus got resized to fit together. Their original objects to attack Raz stayed the same in appearance and way of using although for the most part they don’t use them that much and instead they rely a lot on the use of one of the Butcher arms to stomp on Raz.
–Ford Cruller final advice towards Raz from the bacon about the final fight.
Raz can only deal damage to the Two-Headed Dad Monster while in his colossal psychic state. The boss will cower in place, attempting to shield itself with his cleavers. Punch him as much as possible during this time before the psychic energy drains and Raz is reverted to normal (pushing him into the walls of the battle arena increases the chances of dealing double or even triple hits to the boss itself). The transformation lasts for about 10 seconds and it takes around 20 seconds to gain the 'Goggalor' form again. While in normal form, all Raz can do is dodge and defend against his attacks while the colossal state recharges.
Usage of PSI-Punch, PSI-Blast, Pyrokinesis or even grenades via Confusion is futile (And let's not get started with Clairvoyance). So, the best way avoid damage is to equip the Shield ability and try to dodge his jabs. Alternatively, you can use Invisibility to hide until Raz's transformation meter is refilled or Levitation to runaway from the boss to make him waste time performing his main attack. If this is done all properly Raz will beat the heck out of the Two-Headed Dad Monster until he's all gone once and for all, as well as putting an end to the Meat Circus so Oleander can heal from the scar of his childhood and for the cherry on the top both brains of the latter and Raz's get separated of the Brain Tank glass dome.
Attacks and Health[]
- Ultimate Slash: Once Raz is slightly distant from the two-headed dad monster he will move back his left arm and then quickly swipe it across the floor to slash Raz. Compared to the original 'Mega Slash' from the Butcher; this one is way faster and worst part being that it deals the largest amount of damage in all Psychonauts from any hazard or even other enemies. Dealing a total amount of 25 hit points (6 brains and one bit of a seventh brain for the Mental Health). Though there’s a glitch where the attack passes through the model of Raz but he will not receive the damage.
- Crushing Jab: If Raz is below his body, the two-headed dad monster will then rise his butcher arm and after a second performs a jab in form of a stomp. If Raz doesn't move off the way and stays in the same position but using shield he will keep performing this attack nonstop in lapses of 2 seconds or so. Being crushed by this attack deals a total of 15 hit points (3 brains with an extra 'three quarters' fourth brain).
- Shield o' Cleavers: After charging and waiting enough, Raz retrieves his colossal psychic state which, makes the THDM be scared to the point he doesn't do anything else except use his cleavers to block as much as possible the attacks of the giant Raz. While it can block the first punch, the other 2 punches will go directly at his body.
- High Speed: Thanks to the positioning of some of his limbs, he can move at an extremely fast pace to the point it can outrun Razputin while using the levitation ball with little to no struggle.
- Flaming Clubs: Occasionally from behind the body of the THDM 3 sets of flaming clubs will be thrown into the sky and they'll land where Raz currently is or close to where he's trying to move. It works similar to the attack Evil Augustus does in the second round against the Butcher and even it shares the same amount of hit points:
- 7 hit points (direct damage by landing and deals 1 brain with an extra 'three quarters' second brain).
- 4 hits points (impact damage or if trying to Punch them, which deals 1 whole brain).
- 5 hit points (by touching the clubs directly 1 brain with one bit).
Generally speaking, this boss fight has a very strange health system that even sometimes the amount can depend on how long does the player takes to take this boss down. But putting in in the scenario of a "perfect match" against this boss fight (without extra double or triple punches that can occasionally pop up by glitch), hits that directly depletes the two-headed dad monster’s health bar reveals that it takes 15 hits to be defeated, now, exclusively talking about the one hit to unblock the boss from his cleavers protection it should be 8 hits (times), so counting everything together gives a total of 23 hits to defeat the final boss. which is on a tie with Jasper Rolls but still not reaching the over-exagerrated amount of health the Blueprint Brain Tank has (39 hits).
As a bonus, if counting the 9 hits for the butcher for his two rounds together and the shot that Augustus dealt to his mental evil counterpart: the boss health will increase to a total of 33 hits. If this is the case it would become the second boss of the first Psychonauts with the largest amount of health.
Before Battle[]
- "Unweave? Detangle?"
- "NEVER!"
- "I like it this way. I mean look at how huge I am!"
- "And I think I can… juggle now!"
- (Both fathers) "Heh heh heh!"
Note: Most of their quotes during the battle are mixed from their original encounters which they can be seen here and here respectively.
- It's hard to see in-game, but the Two-Headed Dad Monster's textures show that Raz's dad has a pentagram etched into his forehead. The un-fused version of Raz's evil dad lacks this detail, suggesting that the Two-Headed Dad Monster uses an earlier version of evil Augustus' textures.
- Evil Augustus' head model is greatly scaled up on the THDM in comparison to his normal model.
- Evil Augustus' skin color on the THDM is orange in concept art and the official render, but green in-game.
- The THDM briefly appears in the Psychonauts recap animation in Psychonauts 2.
Video Battle Walkthrough[]
Psychonauts - All Bosses -No Damage-
Gameplay by Gellot. (48:18 for the fight)