Psychonauts Wiki

Yes, Admiral, sir!

–Underground Rapid Transit System

The Whispering Rocket Underground Rapid Transit System is a rail-based transportation system beneath Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. It is used by Ford Cruller to quickly move around the camp's locations. It is accessible via several hollowed-out tree stumps scattered throughout the camp. It has a built-in voiced AI which can talk to whomever is using it, and as it belongs to Ford Cruller, it will believe that anyone using it is Ford.


After completing Basic Braining, Raz is able to access the transit system by jumping into any of the hollowed-out stump entrances around the camp. He is able to use the system as a means of fast-travel between areas, allowing him to access Ford's Sanctuary. The transit system's entrances can be found in the hollowed-out stumps near these locations:


  • The system AI's dialogue changes to reflect each of Ford Cruller's alter egos depending on where Raz asks it to go.
  • Ford does not necessarily need the transit system to quickly travel through the camp; He has demonstrated he can effectively teleport himself and other people using his psychic abilities.
  • The Underground Rapid Transit System has a counterpart system in Psychonauts 2: The Otto B.O.N.
  • The AI voice for the transit system was done by Nika Futterman.


