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Can I even remember what it looked like? Ah, If only you could see the world the way I see it...


I don’t think anybody’s gonna forget about you after that performance.


Vision is one of the five senses in PSI Kings Sensorium. He represents Helmut Fullbear's sense of sight as well as his mental representation of Ford Cruller.


Vision is a tall, lanky, humanoid man with an eyeball for a head. He has one pupil that shrinks and elongates when he blinks and talks, and is very expressive despite having only one facial feature. His iris is neon green and his pupil and limbus are myrtle green. His sclera has a slight green tint and he has a faint yellow blush on both sides of his "head". His neck is an optic nerve and he does not have an eyelid. He has thick green dreadlocks and chartreuse yellow skin. He has four fingers on each hand and his fingernails are yellow-green. He carries a southern North American accent.

Vision's outfit is composed of a dark green suit coat over a vertically striped yellow sweater. His suit coat has pigment green frills at the wrist, long flaps, and one olive dab button in the middle. He wears faded Dijon pants and dark brown loafers. He sports green epaulettes, a gold watch on a chain clipped onto his coat, and a fern green military general cap. His cap has three large kelly-green Annona leaves stacked upright on the top and an embroidered gold chin strap with two lime green buttons on the side.

Vision's shrine has a flashier outfit than Vision himself. The shrine has a thicker coat with lots of gold embroidery, gold buttons on the cuffs instead of green frills, and larger gold epaulettes instead of smaller green ones. The shrine's coat does not have any buttons in the middle and has a frilled gold lapel. The shrine's shoes are dark green instead of brown and the pants have gold cuffs at the bottom. The shrine has five fingers one each hand instead of four. The shrine is also much larger than Vision, towering several stories over Raz.


Vision is a frontman violinist with a big ego[1]. He has most of Ford Cruller's cranky rule-bending personality, being Helmut's mental representation of Ford, but with a more easy-going attitude. Vision loves playing the violin, something the real Ford Cruller doesn't do.

PSI Powers[]

Vision presumably has all the powers Ford Cruller does, however he is shown only using one inside Helmut's Mind:


Raz must help him find his missing violin before the concert crowd gets too angry.


Mote of Light[]

The Mote is one of Vision's fellow band members and the host of the mind that Vision resides in.

Dr. Touch[]

Touch is one of Vision's fellow band members.

Audie O[]

Audie O is one of Vision's fellow band members.


Tasty is one of Vision's fellow band members.


Sniffles is one of Vision's fellow band members.


  • Vision's outfit is inspired by The Beatle's eight studio album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band[2]
  • When using Clairvoyance on Vision , he sees Raz as a green-tinted version of himself with enlarged eyes.
  • Vision is voiced by David Kaye. He voices the Hulking Lungfish of Lake Oblongata and his physical world counterpart Ford Cruller.
  • Vision's shrine has five fingers on each hand while he himself has four fingers on each hand.
  • Vision's shrine used to have four arms instead of two, but was changed late in development.
  • VIsion had a pair of dark green angel wings with eyes on the feathers in his original concept art.
  • Using telekinesis on Vision will briefly change his dialogue title from "Vision" to "Ford".


  1. Mentioned in a Doublefine interview.
  2. Mentioned in a Doublefine interview.