–Writer Cassie
Writer Cassie is a mental figure in Cassie's Collection. She represents Cassie O'Pia's "author" personality.
Psychonauts 2[]
Writer Cassie is the first archetype that Raz meets upon entering Cassie O'Pia's mind. She agrees to help Raz regain control of the bees, only to be locked away in her book by Librarian Cassie.
She is later freed by Teacher Cassie and Counterfeiter Cassie and all three unite to fight of the Die-Brarian. Afterwards, all four archetypes merge together to form Cassie O'Pia as a whole person in her mind.
Writer Cassie seems to be very passionate when it comes to her work, especially with her best-selling book, Mindswarm. She became Cassie O'Pia's archetype that served to secure the financial means she needed to escape her country. Afterwards, the writer archetype was called upon again when Cassie attempted to talk Maligula out of her murderous actions. Having failed, Librarian Cassie locked her away.