Young Loboto is a mental figure that appears in Loboto's mind. He is the representation of Dr. Loboto as a child. His full name is Caligosto Loboto.
Caligosto's father (a doctor) and mother were very loving towards him as a baby, and had high hopes for his future. Their attitudes began to change, however, when they discovered their son was a psychic after his mother caught him bending spoons in the kitchen using telekinesis. His mother's distress resulted in his father bringing Loboto to his hospital for his colleagues run to tests on him.
After determining the root of his abilities, Caligosto's parents decided that he must undergo a procedure to "cure" him of his powers- an icepick lobotomy. By this point his parents had become completely overwhelmed by Caligosto's psychic powers and didn't care whether or not the procedure would harm him.
He was then sent off by his parents to undergo the procedure. While seeing him off, his parents referred to him as a "devil child" and "a little monster" and were happy to be "free of [him]". The procedure damaged his brain to the point of him losing his psychic abilities.
Loboto was very quiet as a young kid, often hiding from his parents in various places around his house. He doesn't speak a single word throughout his meeting with Raz and can be observed playing with his hands while sitting down near his old doll house.
He wears a white sailor uniform and large, grey glasses with the left lens red and the right green. He has dark purple hair much like his parents. His skin is cyan. He has no robotic appendages unlike the actual Dr. Loboto.
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin[]
Once Monstroboto is defeated, a Memory Vault falls onto the boat, which First Mate opens to find a stereoscope inside, and brings it up to his eyes. Raz then uses Clairvoyance to access the memory inside the stereoscope.
Inside the Memory Vault is a small dollhouse, fashioned out of a similar material to the boat. On the house's porch are patchwork doll recreations of Caligosto's parents, who are seeing a young Loboto off for an unknown procedure. The two refer to Loboto as a "devil child" and a "little monster" before heading back inside. A younger Loboto then appears to the side of the dollhouse, which Raz uses Clairvoyance on to access other scenes in the dollhouse.
The next scene involves young Caligosto hiding in a closet in his parents room and watching them argue about him. His mother is extremely stressed over her son's unknown condition, and the two have agreed to send him off for an icepick lobotomy. His mother initially voices concerns about the dangers of the procedure, but eventually declares she doesn't care if it does or not. Raz uses Clairvoyance again to move to the next scene.
The following scene is in the Lobotos' family kitchen, where it is revealed that Caligosto's "condition" is that he is a psychic. His mother calls his father into the kitchen and shows him all the spoons they own, which have all been bent by Caligosto using Telekinesis. His mother is so disturbed by this revelation that his father has him taken to the hospital to have tests run on him.
The final scene is of Caligosto as a baby, laying in a crib. His parents come into the room and are very evidently fond of him, wistfully discussing his future.
“I can already tell he's going to be a doctor. Just like his old man. (Or an architect, or a lawyer! Maybe a dentist!) God forbid! *laughs*”
Caligosto's mother notices that the teddy bear she removed from his crib because the "eyes aren't childsafe" is back in it and berates his father before moving it to the other side of the room. The two then leave, Loboto's father saying it "must have been the cleaning lady". Baby Caligosto then uses Telekinesis to move the teddy bear back into his crib and removes the compass from his crib mobile, sending it back to the boat. Raz pieces together the truth of Caligosto's background, realizing that he is a psychic and was lobotomized by his parents to remove his abilities, which ultimately led him to become insane. Raz then uses Clairvoyance to go to the final room of the dollhouse, the bathroom, which shows a sad patchwork doll of Monstroboto in the tub.
With the compass restored to the boat, First Mate declares it's "time we sail for new waters", to which a cuckoo-bird named Crackers pops out and says "it's about time". Once the Compass is recovered, First Mate and Crackers can finally sail to safety far away from Monstroboto.
Psychic Abilities []
- Telekinesis: As a child he used this power to bend all the spoons in his family's kitchen.
Etymology []
- "Loboto" refers to "lobotomy", a medical procedure in which a doctor operates on a patient's brain, severing the pre-frontal cortex from the rest of the brain, referring to his role in removing people's brains in Psychonauts.
- Additionally, he was subjected to a lobotomy as a child.
- "Caligosto" is most likely a reference to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, a German silent horror film from the 1920's.
- Both the main villains of Psychonauts, Coach Oleander and Dr. Loboto, first appear as children in their respective minds.